Endless hope - ch.3
Then he wakes up to find the villager got stabbed by one of his men" what is going on here!?" he growls his vision getting slowly darker and stabs his own soldier who did this" that king, his words, those deaths and that general."
To Tame an Invader
More stabs in the fabric pinned his legs, tail and haunches individually while more pressure grew around his front half, not just from the stabs, they must have been carrying heavy weights to throw too. "did you hear me?!
The Unintended Curse ch15
Was i just stabbed...stabbed by someone's sword? how did he...he get behind me without the elves not noticing him sneak up on us?'
A Buck is a Buck
\>my own words from earlier echoed in my head \>"too bad they taste so great" \>i wanted more, my tongue drew into a spear and stabbed into his hole.
Banishment: Chapter 2 - A Friend?
He quickly turns and swings downward at her arm again and is taken by surprise when she rolls back towards him, stabbing her sword upward at him.
Kristall-Krieger - Kapitel 05: Das Geständnis
Silver hielt ihm den stab vor die nase. ,,den hier hat er bei mir vergessen." ,,das ist nicht gut. wir müssen ihn finden." ,,wo mag er hingegangen sein?"
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 37: Inevitability Of Truth (We Go Down Together Part III)
Black scythe questioned stab and impale. "they are travelers from afar on a journey home." stab replied. "they sought out guides to guide them through the pridelands, mostly likely trying to avoid encounters with s'mar prides." impale reasoned.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 42: Nothing Ever Is Going To Be Enough
Impale, stab, pierce and shred, presented a bowl of red paint to the four chieftains. "in line with our traditions these acolytes will receive their markings."
Crocs of the Leather Stick Together 15 - Krooked Keep
He gritted his teeth and kept his guard, waiting for krook to make a testing thrust, smacking it down hard to stab forwards at the shoulder.
Death's Blood Ch. Eleven: Gone Astray
I stab him again, but in the shoulder, making his grip lessen. i still hold his muzzle as i stab him in the side of his neck, but he can still breathe, which i see as i run to make space for myself. however, the bear seems to stagger. it is working.
What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 8
He swiftly swiped the dagger from the fox's waistsash and immediately stabbed clemson in the back twice. the fox shouted as he fell to his knees, and then the mouse stabbed him right along the spine a third time, causing him to holler.
A Territorial Matter of Pride 01 - A Warrior's Touch
She was ready to attack and dodge, but she wasn't prepared to be stabbed.