My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 11

Shun-kun does reminds me of a fellow classmate of mine who won the first-person shooter tournament in a video game convention center in seattle and los angeles. "come on, let's play!" masa-kun said, he's anxious.

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CBC - Bludvist: Sacrivice

She had won, and got to spend a whole day hanging out with the whole band. they were really nice to her the whole time, showing her the dressing rooms and even letting her try out their instruments before the show.

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Lost Haven: Aunt Ruth

In season five the tiger species won the battle, the bloodlust that overtook the animals made the robot barely a contender.

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Poker Night 3

You should have won my dick." he looked down at his crotch, where his penis was now reattached. the badger cock still safely in his pocket. "i really like you, i wanted you to have it.

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Is This It?

One foot in front of the other, that was what had won him the regional track and field ribbon. he really needed this run to clear his head and right now it was better than the graduation ceremony.

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Jack Mills Himself

I've won some, he's won some." i avoided, know he had won eleven of them."in other words, i'm ahead by seven wins." zarvaun boasted."i was mana screwed!" i complained."yeah, you just keep telling yourself that." the sergal smirked."so can i play?"

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Snake Scrap

The snake won, fair and square. what happened next all came like a blur to me. i was still on the cold, hard ground when the snake towered over me.

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Best Friends Brother (BFB) 2

After a few rounds (i won each easily) we got bored and i remembered i had the new beta for uncharted 3 multiplayer. so we played that. me and taylor made a great team our team won every time.

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Cassandra (Chapter 1)

"oh, i won tickets, but my friend isn't coming," he explained, preferring to spare her the details.

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TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 25)

"can you tell us who won between flame and ember?" "flame was much like spyro about the idea, and in the end that was his downfall. ember won purely by flame's slowed movements just because he was fighting ember.

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A Bet's a Bet Pt.4

He found himself rushing with excitement at the thought that he might actually have won. his face still a bit red as he realized the crowd's eyes were on him. "in third place we have..."

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