Jackie-The-Junior Retaliation Part-two

To prove her point, diane lifts her backpack and takes out a cordless shaver. it looks brand-new, so it makes me wonder if she got one of her beta's to buy it for her. she stuffs it back into her backpack a moment later.

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Cutting it and putting it in a sandwich bag i opened the smaller front pocket of my backpack and dropped the sandwich in. zipping it closed i went back to the entry way and grabbed my black jacket pulling it over my shoulders i grabbed my backpack and walked

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Nineteen

Thought markus, as he did up the belt buckle around his waist and began to put some of his battle gear into a light, dark green backpack, he put his few remain canisters and grenades into the backpack as well as a small dagger he found on the chair where his

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The Key

I stash my backpack with a spare change of clothes in one of the drawers, and then fumble my fingers through my shirt pocket for the cellar's key.

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Numb and Broken

Sensing the approach, his arm drops and he spins around, nailing the approaching lion in the face with his backpack of books, leaving him reeling against the wall. he then slings the backpack back onto his shoulder and keeps going.

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Player Food for Thought, Staring Retna

Retna couldn't hide a devilish glint in his eyes, he already knew this, one reason he went through the backpack.."

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Biohazard Remake - Chapter One

The tiger lunges for his backpack where it had been left on the table, reaching inside it, but the doberman grabs the tiger's wrist through the backpack's fabric and yanks him across the table, trying to line up his cock to jam at the tiger's face as he's

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Meanwhile, he would put his backpack over his lap, stick a hand in there to get fruit and, while doing so, squeeze his crotch through the backpack, by pushing it against his groin.

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Calicode: Chapter 6: Mule

"there nice my mommy got me a catman backpack, see," paul said then showed her. "daddy got me a ratwoman backpack now we match," jill said. "ok you two lets walk to school now," mommy said.

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You Only Live 18 Times #8 (Spyjirra)

Give me 15 minutes to get a backpack ready, and then we'll go see what we can find for food around here, with some to travel with as well.

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Hidden Desires: Forbidden Fruit - Remastered

He had on his red and tan varsity jacket with his backpack hanging off one of his shoulders. "hey, i was starting to wonder if i'd get to see you in high school before i left." the tiger said with a smile.

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