Matter of manners

One violent jerk from the window woke me up. It was shaking to every whim of the road. I didn't sleep very well, of course ; preyed by the hot weather, sweaty for the kilometers I've gone across, and dirty due to the whole travel, it was hard to reach...

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NM #6 ~ Hot

Mela came home to find Niv sprawled on the couch, wearing nothing but his shorts. Putting on a smirk, she casually walked up to him. "Is this an invitation?" She said, plopping down and leaning heavily on him as she ran a hand up his chest. ...

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Tina's Story Chapter 37 I Love You

It is lunch hour, and everyone is doing their thing. Colleen has Lydia in her office, KC is in the break room with Rosa. KC is not really fond of Rosa, but you don't always get to choose your work friends. Tina wandered downstairs to visit Ray in I.T. ...

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 10 - Fry The Bastard

I ran the whole way back to the office. Inside, both Eddie and Brandon were looking for me. "Did you see what happened man?" Brandon. '"Yeah I did. I was there when it happened, man, how could I not see it?" "Its all over the news, dude. What...

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Club V

Snow was falling by the time Flamedramon left the subway, walking out into the brisk winter air. He pulled his scarf a little tighter to keep away the chill as he walked down the street. The city looked beautiful this time of year; the lights, the...

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The Lost One: Fun Times

The day was a blur to Sam. She had lots of fun with Kyle and Anna, even meeting a few people she recognized from her last trip to the con. She was sad to not see Lacy there but found a mutual friend who said she had been doing good and was currently...

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All the Little Things Chapter 7!

Show support and purchase the finished copy: [18+ Version]( [Clean Version]( * * * [Next Chapter]( \<- Click for it. [Previous...

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Running away to the Circus

Story & Characters (C) Russet'12 The Cirque du Koneta was a bustling morass of people, a crowd of pleasure seekers, thrill seekers, entertainers and carnies all moving around having a good time. There were brightly coloured stands were people tested...

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Penny Gadget's Downfall

Written by: Kayden Silvertongue (ChaosSavior) Commissioned by: Momiji\_the\_Rabbit Characters copyright: DIC Entertainment and Bruno Bianchi Penny Gadget's Downfall Penny's communicator wasn't responding. Nor was Brain's. That alone was enough to...

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VG Cats #4: First Times

It had been an exhausting day for the two cats, and that night they laid sleeping in their separate beds, their bodies totally exhausted. It had gotten to Aeris and she was fast asleep dreaming what Cats dream about. However, despite been ravaged by...


Ritual of the Wild-hearted

**Ritual of the Wild-Hearted For ArrowQuivershaft By Draconicon** Despite being touched by something magical and fantastic, Richard had never believed that something like this would happen to him. Sure, there were a hundred different...

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