Ag Lorg do chumhacht (Finding your power)

With the history lesson over, the elder had begun the rights of passage, giving each of age feline the ability to finally call upon the stone that rest about their neck.

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Lucky 7s

It was a right of passage for our species and was part of my morning routine. wake up, wash nose tip to tail tip, brush my fangs and trim my claws. i was so proud the first time that i was able to do so without clipping the quick.

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The Wurm King (PT2)

He wasn't the butt of some cruel prank what he had done might have been some right of passage or hazing he wasn't being insulted he was being excepted into the group of flunkies under izza slave driving leadership.

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Ch23. Lesson Seventeen. The Bovine Leader

." \*\* there are times and places where heard-leaders of the bovine and equine tribes were earned by right of passage. there was also a time where the position was earned by a right of pain, and torture.

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[TF] Perfect Chord

Her tendrils swaying back and forth to the avian's song, the cyan axon reminds herself that she still has to somehow demonstrate her right of passage in this land - staying and listening idly would be a recipe for disaster!

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The Mistress

It is a right of passage of sorts, though most parents will help if it becomes apparent it is needed. this case, however, is different.

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Rubies & Emeralds: Chapter 5: Sapphire

"you killed him during his right of passage into adulthood, loss of virginity" "well, if he failed to kill his enemy and rape a child then i say he failed his trial into adulthood."

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Miki's Mom

of passage into manhood where my age mates and myself bath together in sohavn (pronounced so-haa-ven) an elvish type of liquor that grants us the right to choose a mate.

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Black, Black, Heart...

"it's an initiation, love, a right of passage into the elite. i wanted you to be one of us."

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At First Glance

Seiko quickly flipped out his rarely used license and was patted on the back, apparently some sort of tradition to signal a right of passage.

:ALTERED BEASTS: -A New Life Pt.2-

"my fellow townsmen, we are here to witness a most sacred right of passage. one who has traveled far across his native land has answered the call of our world, and stands before you now.

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