Transformation Stream Story 7: Jumping the Jay
I mean, yeah, the boss is, you know, so cuckoo, but he's a fun guy._ the sound of the other voice in his head was almost as painful as the feeling of the cock in his ass. her ass. his. her. he didn't know anymore. he'd lost.
Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Eighteen
"cuckoo for cocobutts, you know?" ethan narrowed his eyes. "and that makes him...magic?" i sighed. i _told_ him that these things were hard to understand, but did he listen?
The Black Shepherd - Chapter 32
Every item in the room had been pieced from hand-me-downs, garage sales and thriftshop excursions--the set of empty wrought-iron chairs, the cuckoo on the wall beside a rather grim and unworldly rendering of a bowl of fruit.
Like You Never Left
That hospital from _one flew over the cuckoo's nest_? the customers were still staring. "heheh," alex's tail wouldn't stop wagging.
The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act1/Chapter4
I'm going insane, cuckoo, nuts, losing my marbles, and every other clever little metaphor you can think of that might state or describe the degradation of my rationality. all of this was happening so fast, i barely had any time to react to it all.
The Eternal Forest - Chapter IV
The ubiquitous call of the cuckoo seemed chipper, as if the universe itself was in perfect harmony. time itself seemed to stand still. reprobus rounded a final bend in the trail and stopped dead at the sacred grove he found himself in.
My Mind for Magic
Those of us that can resist the magic have a harder time learning some spells, but they don't get controlled so easily if one of our members go a little...cuckoo." "cuckoo?" havok asked. "i'll get to that later. for now, though, let's test you."
Cry Me a Murder (Part three) The Sun, the Sea and the Silent Scream
"today the kid's all in cuckoo land." slowly chris turned his head towards me. he raised his right arm and curled his fingers into a half-fist. he pointed his index and middle fingers at me, as if aiming a pistol. "bang!" he said. - - -
The Book of Warlock 18. In love and war.
He's cuckoo! where's he going to go? he doesn't even know! that sceptre talks shit to him all day, threllif, he's its puppet!" "you've seen the cartloads of treasure he's got. that tri-horn is a goldmine!"
Addiction Therapy: Second Session
Noah glanced up at the cuckoo clock across the way. it was 4pm and he was now down to his last two clients of the day: nathaniel and later a muskrat factory worker named pete.
Freedom Fire Chapter 4: Friends in Low Places
Being in a prison mixed with mental institution and rehab like in the movies was something different than making friends in 'one flew over the cuckoo's nest'. he had enemies around him, and this was real life, not human's movies.
Fallout - Leads from Legends
His time in the service left him a bit cuckoo." "he was in the service? where?"