Paradise Found
"Good morning, Kirek." "How are you this morning Mr. Flint?" "Oh just fine, bud." "Are you going to walk today, or take a cart?" "I'm gonna walk like always. How've you been doing lately?" "Oh, you know. Work's been keeping me...
Paradise At Last
Hi everyone! My name is Karasu Haruki, and I'm really new to this, so go easy on me, okay?? I've been writing since before I can remember, and I've written erotica about me and my dog before, but this is my first shot into the furry world! Enjoy! ...
Coyotka in Paradise?
A screech from her left made her jump and whip out her handgun, but she gasped as a large bird of paradise swooped past her, buffeting her face with it's long, colorful tail feathers.
Paradise City
**paradise city** in the north-eastern part of the continent, nestled in an unspectacular part of the temperate belt, there is a rather nondescript region.
Reaching Paradise
'How much longer do you think?' Fenny asked as they walked through the seemingly endless chilly caves, taking turns every couple of miles. "Victory Road is about endurance, Fen," she said. 'You'd think you proved yourself after fighting eight gyms...
Paradise Island
It did seem like a paradise! "so like... where are you from? what's your name? mine's eliyaran, but you can call me eli!"
Trickster Paradise
If other gods/mythological creatures come to mind, please feel free to suggest some for a future sequel. c: if you enjoyed this story, and want to help support me i have a kofi posted using postybirb trickster paradise written by: tiranmaster * *
Unkown Paradise
-redwing the change chapter 2 - unknown paradise. i awoke in a heap in a bunch of bushes. this wasn't any part of earth i had seen before, im not even sure it is earth. the trees were twisted and entwined with each other.
Search for Paradise
Mist moved over to it then took his biosuit off before laying down on the extremely comfortable bed, so comfortable that he began to feel his eyelids grow heavy and soon he was asleep in the place he called paradise.
Paradise Redefined
Note: Two things: 1. Telepathic messages are in star quotes (\*phrase\*) 2. When I say Lacyus or Mattheiu, it's the same character, just different forms (Lacyus dragon, Mattheiu Human ...
True Paradise
"oh, yeah, that's probably our signature drink here, true paradise... its strong, but i hear it fades relativley quickly if you keep it to one.
The gold of paradise
#5 of joke for furry campfire or relax in good mood kazy discover the notion of eternity the four jokes to be read are independent; -scam in hell -lost paradise -the gold of paradise -crossed the desert reading in the timeline give the thread