Guarding Kahnso's Ego
Kahnso himself was a very imposing creature at 7'2" with excessive musculature, but most of his guards matched him, and some even exceeded his size. and then there was june, six feet even of gifted gray kittycat.
Changing of the Holiday Guard
The quiet exclamation caught me a little off-guard as shi rushed toward me, stopping almost right in front of my nose and kneeling down to cut the difference in height. " hardly look any older! how does that even work?"
Guard Duty (...for a geek?)
Where you are to guard me while i finish my work on the new hacking system i am designing. " "so you're a geek?" i ask while i stand up and pull him to the bar.
Rune Guard: The Beginning
#1 of rune guard **_darkflame studios productions presents:_** **_rune guard: the beginning_** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **story contents:** death, blood, violence, language
Expedition: Guards and Archivists
The guards would be the same and the city probably would be as well.
Guard your drink!
This is a transformation story, involving plant TF, vore, digestion, scent control, mostly nc sex, cock transformation and more. Do be sure you actually enjoy this kinda stuff before you read it! You were warned! By Ashton...
New Royal Guard
"with this you will become my royal pony guard number six. rgp-006 for short," she states as she places the helmet on top of the pony's head.
The Perks of Pleasing the Guard
While he was thinking of what he could spare to the guard when he got out, silas didn't notice the ingari pulling down his pants. when the rat faced the guard again he was immediately met with the sight of a large cock and balls.
A Guard's Lucky Night
A guard's lucky night for catsithx by draconicon felix wondered if the rich people mingling on the dance floor thought that this gathering was as boring as he did.
The Day Care's Guard
Shinx was a good guard pokemon, but even guards needed naps as well and he was all full, warm, and sated. he pulled out of quilava, drawing one last gasp from the both of them before licking at his own length to clean up.
Caught off Guard
He smirked and pointed the wand at the two guards. the book glowed, and ropes emerged from thin air around the guards. "what the--!" the ropes wrapped around moire before he could react. they pinned his arms to his sides and bound his ankles together.
Chain the Guard Dog
The words "guard dog" stretch and dance on the back of the jacket, but everything holds tight. "i'm ready when you are, master." i am rewarded for my timeliness by a pat on the head, a quick scritch behind one ear. "good boy, chain.