Arcadia: Pressured
That would have to be an issue for later as he turned towards renegade. "renegade, i'd like to ask you, savage and skip if you'll accept me into your team. the team designed to make contact with any beast community and getting them to ally with us."
And I Must Scream
Ghost and orchid question the renegades who kidnapped jackie and fran after the quantum singularity. we learn more about fran back on earth saving and being saved by people in her life.
Funny Wasteland
I howl, and laugh, for i know that i would much rather frolic in god's flood rather than be subjected to man's renegade sounds of misbehavior. still howling, i pull the flap furthermore over my head, and drift to sleep for a while.
Michael's Path Preview
Sir executor gives his greetings and states that of late the renegades have dug into the ramparts of old viagos. your brother duke victorus of the red moon has besieged them to try and take the throne for himself.
If not someone..then I 1
"_giratina...what will i do with apologies giratina is truly a renegade i'm surprised that her guardian wasn't here to stop her though she should have noticed the mental link and known something was wrong.
Lake Bath
A leonine tail hung loosely behind her, the only noticeable legacy from the renegade mage's spells.
Midline Shift 5 - Crisis Above Antaeus
James even got to read it on his own omni-tool in english, reading: _ **quarian renegade reports** a small group of renegade quarians have been reported around the hades gamma cluster, harassing ships in transit.
Ovoid: Notes from the Jaiyan Scroll III
The watch pulsed and the ear piece crackled to life, "you're about twenty kilometers away from his signal vask, go ahead and keep in the direction you're heading and be ready, there's a few renegade shadiim heading toward you"
The Town of Tanza, The Sage, and The Camp
"the renegades are a group of people who occasionally raid villages and usually kill for fun. they are the most varied of the groups depending on which you join. they range from savage brutes to calm protesters. many are violent though.
The Hand You're Dealt
"but you can't afford to write down a whole bunch of things you shared as renegades like that because they could use it to catch you, couldn't they?"
Spaced Out
"she's still a renegade to this day, as far as i know," the roach added offhandedly. "i think she eats people now." \*\*\* "i hate cars," fran's roommate would often say. "people can't drive" was a close second.
Foxes in Jockses | Entree Sized Commission
Stepping into the bedroom, the renegade shook his head softly as he bore down upon the pair of deviants amid their foreplay. "drop it! drop it!" the horse growled.