Second day
Balto's teammates laugh seeing it completely lost in the pleasure just like trace. trace has his closed eyes while his ass is hit by crotch of balto, trace's eyes open when a mouth closes around his penis.
"get back, trace!"
The talk
trace was one of the few people who can mentaly talk to leon, wolf, nighteyes and blaze are the only other ones _must be a powers thing_ leon thought trying to remember what trace's power was again, he knew he had on he just couldn't remember, and as if on
Part 2 Gender Bender
trace could hear water trickling in the background. stag pulled the sheet off trace's head. 'well, my voice his higher...' trace said to them.
Twokinds - A Dirty Little Cheat
trace turned it over in his hand a few times. "uh, what is it?" keith asked. trace held it up to his eye, peering into the jeweled end, "i don't know, to be honest.
Track and Field: Part 20 - Almost Lover
I slowed as i took the turn onto the off-ramp, but trace didn't relax until i'd come to a full stop at a red light.
Everyday Life, Part 3
A quick glance at the messenger system told him that trace was online. slipping on his headset, he started a chat with trace. "sup bro?" trace asked. "not much. wanna play dreams?"
Under the Sundowner Part 09
trace said, as he downed the shot of nuke. tye laughed as trace gasped and a pair of mushroom clouds rose from his nostrils. "that never happens when i'm at the sundowner."
Eric's Conquest: Chapter 1
She wouldn't let him win, she only wanted to be with trace. trace... why was it that this bastard could last longer, why did he feel so much larger? if this had been trace then... "no!" she grunted, eyes opening in surprise.
Study Break
One caressed his chest, the other traced his side- down to his butt, where she squeezed the curve of one cheek, feeling him tense in pleasure. he grew hard beneath her.
Jak & Daxter: Oral Exercises
His soft mustelid nose traced along with a precursor's patience, claws tenderly tracing his supple sack. the creamy fur, just on the edge of green, felt softest of all here.
Roselyn's Letter (Twokinds snippet)
I am afraid the fault does not lie solely with trace here, as my own mind has been weighed by the same burdens i've described in the last thousand letters i've written.