Splash Park
Jamie was sure the timber wolf was feeling some bladder pressure too. nathan parked his car in the large parking lot, and they all got out of the vehicle.
alvin and the land of giants part 1
Then the barkeep made alvins and the timber wolfs drinks and then gave them to both of them. alvin:thank you sir. wolf:yeah thanks.
The Hunter
**the hunter - grey wolf x timber wolf** the forest around me was a quiet murmur. i crept through the underbrush, keeping my fluffy brown tail low and still as i could.
A New Life
He had downed a shot of everclear, when a large timber wolf walked up to him, and bought him another shot, this one of whiskey... and the rest was a blur.
We had to deal with timber wolfs, we ran as fast as we could but they kept on gaining. we where running and suddenly out of no where, a hill going downward made us lose balance and we where stuck in a good tumble for a while.
Office Conflict: Part 1 - Monday
Her eyes though soft brown in colour were stern and locked to the timber wolf, pinning him in his chair.
Ermina the Ermine - Chapter One -
Her last one, a large timber wolf, had tested this young stoat almost to her physical breaking point. he had been, well, ermina thought on it, a smile touching her lips.
The Changing Table Turns – Part 2
"i know but i need to help you with those big boy problems of yours," the timber wolf patted his diapered front and grinned knowingly at the lion.
The Eternal Glade: Chapter 2
I am life, and i love all living things and what they do, that includes young timber wolves" she said with a soft warm smile. "lastly, i do have a name that you can call me. you may call me alinae."
The Portal Games: Arena 2, Episode 3
Lykus said, the timber wolf jumping over another mechanical arm, even as his card use turned it into a snake. "a - what? how - okay, not questioning that one..."
The Portal Games: Arrival
Expressions, while others fell on their backs, and one in particular - a timber wolf - fell flat on his face. sand and mud flew everywhere, and none escaped unscathed. one by one, they turned to look at each other.
Kyle Sparks, Chapter 3
timber wolf was much better kept than black wolf, but in terms of power was not as strong. timber wolf was one of only three men turned by victor himself.