Everyone Does It at the Wedding
#34 of everyone does it this is coming out a week early, but i'm planning another mini story arc and i need to put enough time aside to do the other parts i want to do.
Puppy-Doe Love
"love you too, doe."
Everyone Does It with Experience
Practically everyone in our circle does it, the swinging. i know it seems strange, but it does somehow continue to renew our bonds with one another.
Everyone Does It at Home
#25 of everyone does it as hard as it is to keep thinking up new material for this series, i love being able to keep it going. these are some fun and fascinating characters to write about.
Crime Does not Pay
does the name jay raimundo ring a little bell?" milo was confused. of course it did. it was a young rabbit he had known for a while now. "yes, yes ... but ... why?" freddie growled.
Does the body good
does the body good, by dragonmasterx. "miss, do you have your ticket on hand?"
The Doe-Taur & the Fox
The fox, however, did not quite see things the same way that the doe-taur did, which was more than fair.
The Woodland Visitor Ch 24: Rocare
You will always be the beautiful doe i fell in love with, the doe that i want to be with, the doe that i love with all my heart and soul." as tom said the last word he kissed her on the end of her nose and watched her slowly open her eyes.
Unintended Seduction
And as tipsy as the doe was, any attempt to lower herself to untie them would result in the doe landing face first on the floor.
Gypsy Curse # 4
The raccoon moans with pleasure, willingly spreading her legs for the doe. "ah god! its so damn big, its reaching everything!" suzie leaned in closer slapping up against her, as the raccoon closed her long naked legs around the doe.
Who hanged the doe with the hook of cold maybe i'm just wishing to be a buck well who gives a fuck! look i'm dying on the battle field a consant war with myself always trying to kill myself. but just gonna live to be hanged by the cold ropes of justice.
Fire and Ice - Chapter Two - A Thorn Amongst The Roses
He did not notice as the doe's bedchamber door opened silently, and jessica stood in the doorway, facing the back of the troubled knight.