Hitchhiking Part 1: Adventure

The trucker laughed, "they don't teach ya nothing in driver's ed nowadays do they?"

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Instead of shoving and pulling the tiger up and down the long lizard cock, ivan was just kneeling there, a hand behind the tiger's head keeping him balls-deep, but no insults were being thrown and the trucker wasn't thrusting.

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The Truck Stop

I always meet them at the overnight truck stop, the place where truckers stop for the night so that they can continue driving tomorrow morning.

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The Lion, the Grizzly Bear and the Skunk Truck Driver

When the last trucker has cum inside me and gone, i get up redress, and leave. unfortunately leaving a trail of trucker sperm on the ground all the way to my car. i swear to myself next time he calls i won't go to him.

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Trucker Bears - Grunt

truckers are bassists, i guess. i'm just trying to give you a clear picture.

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A Machines Love Ch6

"i never thought that truckers would have facilities like these at those truck stops." she says as she fiddles around with the shower knobs.

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I slipped my tongue between it, and the truckers big fleshy helmet. swirling the tip of my tongue around, from the bottom across the top and down to the helmet's outside. "how's the taste...is it to your liking?" the big trucker asked teasingly.

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The Woodfather - Growth

A career trucker, he had purposefully striven to avoid the stereotypes of a fat, out of shape trucker with a mullet and a trucker's hat in plaid. instead, he was a skinny 5'11'' man with short-cropped blond hair.

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Accidental Love

Being a trucker he was never able to get a girl friend, but he was never one to have one night stands. ben actually liked cuddling the teen, holding his much smaller frame, comforting the young man.

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