For Safe Passage

For Safe Passage What an absolutely terrible evening. Sarkiran was making a lengthy trip across the northern regions of his homeland - a somewhat temperate valley between two north-pointing mountain ranges that seemed to funnel any and all weather...

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The Grand Prize

"We've got three wonderful contestants this time around, so don't you touch that dial! It's another episode of everyone's favorite game show, 'In The Lion's Den,' coming up next on FTV!" An audience erupted with cheers, guided by the lighted signs...

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Exotic Ranch Experience

Exotic Ranch Experience Thalia hadn't been this excited for years. The last time she felt this much joyful anticipation was when she was waiting for approval letters for the various colleges and universities around Klyneth and her parents brought the...

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Tilus' Wake Up Call

Tarra yawned as the sun began to rise. The 4-foot, green kobold was treated to the beautiful sight of the light that was spreading throughout the forest that he and Tilus took a rest in. As he saw it, being such a respected figure in his tribe made him...

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Getting Into the Role

Two Labrador brothers have a secondary source of income by being porn-stars on the internet. The youngest is all about immersion, so when he finds a potion that takes a certain roleplay to the next level he goes all-in-- consequences be damned,...

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An Arcanine's Warmth [CM]

to feral take place seamlessly with a swirl of magic around her.

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Underdesk Dragons

Tad was more than pleased with his newest productivity increasing measure. It was working well enough that he was seriously considering telling the rest of the office about his little life-hack. Maybe, though it was possible that they would judge him...

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Sluts Make Good Dogsitters Pt. 1

Beryl held his fist up for the third time. He squirmed in place on Rellen's doorstep, trying to swallow the lump in his throat as he stood in front of the door. Still, he had no idea why he'd said yes to watching Magnum for a whole week. Well, Beryl...

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Trainer Turned Lover

"Number 405 to the orientation room. That's number 405 to the orientation room, please!" A young, nervous 10 year old dragon slowly rose to his feet, clenching his hands into fists to stop them from trembling. He had every right to be nervous: this...

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World of Warcraft: Return to Gilneas Chapter 3 - REmastered

Night had settled over the little village of Lakeshire. Since there was no moon in the sky the only lights came from the torches hanging from the buildings and the furnace of the smithy. No one was about since the local Murlocs took to ravaging what...

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Overthrowing Royalty

When Maxwell received an invitation to attend the Anthropomorphic Royalty Society Evening ball (aka the A.R.S.E. ball) on the far-fetched Hawaiian island of Maui, he was hesitant at first. After he'd finished booking a flight and packing light luggage,...

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The Fall of Duhey, Chapter Three

Duhey simply nodded this time, and let out a breath of relief as the ropes around his neck were finally loosened. Yelleena was a level beyond skillful with the ropes, and though Duhey could never quite figure out how, a few quick pulls and adjustments...

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