Love for Sale: Chapter 11

Dante waited for hours for Chero to speak again. He wondered whether he should leave him alone and go for some air, but Chero might panic, so only opened a window. Not much better without the wind. It had been nearly three weeks and Dante realized his...

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Anissa Character Reference sheet

She knows how to fix some car problems, but she's far from an expert. basic maintenance only--she can change a tire and oil, fix a tail light, but that's about it.

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New Reality | Chapter 4

"i am just going to send officer bitterhoth back down the road to see if they have had car problems" rihorn responded as he waved the horse back down towards the track they had come from.

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digi kimi Chapter 6: Autumn holiday house

Asked ty 'look like were having car problem, i go and check on it, here's my phone call sara and tell her were going to be late, were only twenty minutes away,' said eric ty called sara on eric phone and told her the situation.

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Robert and Trish - Ch 6

"having car problems?" he asked politely. robert rolled her eyes a little and managed a strained, "no, just needs time to... cool down," she added with a yelp. the herm fox looked up at her with a grin.

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Joel and the Muscle Beast - 2

"but-" "oh but we can fix your little car problem right now," byron interjected, "i think you've forgotten about some of my... magical capabilities." "wait...

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Sorry i'm late, had car problems." "it's okay, was just getting worried." "that you were being led on? sorry again. would have texted but i left my phone at home in my excitment to leave."

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Rebellion Chapter 3

Mike didn't know what to believe at this point, not only was he about to make first contact but a man who he helped fix some of his car problems was an american spy.

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The Mother

"unless you have car problems, you have no business being here." "i have a right to see my son." "he's my son."

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