Making Up for Lost Time
With a final thrust, his thick seed spurted inside the enraptured wonderbolt, mingling with the magical toy's cum.
The Ground She Walks On
Umbreona pulled her cock from espera's stocking and made to remove the magical toy, but espera shook her head.
Plushies And Cubbies
The three cub's spend most of their free time together at their cub house playing with their magical toy's. each one owns a special plushie, each plush is alive and plays back with the cub's as they play and have fun.
Escaping Temptations
Now sure, everyday magical toys are easy to find at your local adult shop, but this was a relic, from a couple of generations ago before magic was accessible to everyone.
To own a Myth
The big unicorn whinnied and squealed as his master's big barbed shaft scraped over his male pleasure knot and the magical toy tingled and teased his engorged stud hood.
Breeding a Future - Chapter 9
The stallion shook between arching back into karin's magical toy and driving into the mare beneath him.
Breeding a Future: Chapter 9
The stallion shook between arching back into karin's magical toy and driving into the mare beneath him.
Treacherous Sisters
When my sisters returned home, they had many tales to tell, some dealing with grandma and her magical toying with common people, and flaunting her unnatural youthful appearance at a few wizard friends.
Lessons With Mara: Dangers of Magic
The magic toy came up to her belly while it sat on the floor and it was thick enough that both of her paws were needed to pass over the shaft.
The Swanson Halloween Costume Party, Part 1
"every magic toy has a unique power of its own, corvin," layla explained before licking up the inner arch of her daughter's foot while her cock throbbed madly in the girl's snatch.
Good Doggie
She was always a bit giddy when she got to use one of her magical toys, they just felt so good! when she walked back into the room she couldn't help but smile.
[MLP:FiM] C & C chapter 14: Can't get something for nothing
The magical toy began producing exquisite sensations between luna's hind legs. it seemed firm, but not rigid--warm, but not hot--and its pressure on her clitoris was an amazing combination of suction and gentle pinching.