Almost as incessant as the sparks coming from a damaged console to the left of her. "does everybody have a phase pistol?" jinx asked, looking around. of the twenty-odd 'warm-blood' furs, only a paw-ful were here (on the bridge). the others?
{ Art Damage }
Balance left him for the briefest moments, but the damage had been done-- once balance left, there went with it, all sense of humanity, the wild taking over for that moment.
Damage Done
* * * This is the first story that I have ever made to put on the Web, especially for the fandom. This is Part 1 of a mutli-part story. Not sure how many parts this thing will have, matters on how I'm feeling and how it's going. Later parts of this...
Splash Damage
Dexter was the last to show up to Eddie's LAN party. He'd never been to one before and so was absolutely ecstatic when the alpha wolf on campus had extended an invitation to the typically withdrawn computer geek. It's not that Dex was a bad looking...
The laws allowed for a bot to defend itself to prevent destruction or damage so long as that act did not endanger a human.
The laws allowed for a bot to defend itself to prevent destruction or damage so long as that act did not endanger a human.
life with a dragon chapter seven
"Hey Sarven, are you sure about this? If I take the trailer off the truck someone else could take it" I ask as I look at Sarven. "Oh just do it. No one is going to steal this big of a trailer. Besides, we have the license plate number. If someone does...
Damaging Smuggled Goods
As desmond sobbed and whined, sovy parted his ass cheeks to peruse the damage. a swollen, gaped asshole winked at him for his troubles. he sneered at the sight and clapped desmond's cheeks together. "gonna be sleeping on your belly for a while."
Immorality - Damage limitation
"damage limitation." ----------------------------------- jutah awoke with something sharp pressed against the side of his neck and a thick warm liquid seeping from the tiny cut made by that something.
Frontal Lobe Damage
Dusk used to be my favourite time of day. I sought relentlessly for a scent or a feeling that would remind me of the vivid memories attributed to it, each one something I wished I could re-experience, something I wished I could just live in forever and...
Splash Damage 2
The hero rushes forward towards the vile O. Morashi, the frilled lizard fighter gal heading past all the groaning and pissed kobolds and towards the dragon-filled with all the corrupted water of her people's land. "You monster!" She shouts to him...
Splash Damage 1
The kingdoms have been under the sway of a powerful and despicable tyrant. The great dragon lord, King O. Morashi, flexed his incredible power by landing within the great lake between the kingdoms and gulping down all of the water. He swallowed it all,...