The Orphan Gods
The bobcat didn't even try to respond and was mostly hoping that the ordeal would soon be over- although a part of him secretly liked the idea of an older male worshipping his dirty and sweaty feet like that but he felt shy to admit this to the older fox.
Truckstop Trick
He smelled them only briefly, which he was thankful for, though he found himself momentarily wondering why he found ryan's body odor acceptable but his sweaty feet nasty. the boy didn't have long to think it over.
The Strict Librarian Part 2
After last night the smell of her sweaty feet was something he found himself looking forward to as he set her shoes neatly to the side and drew her right foot to his chest and started kneading it gently with his fingertips.
Circumstance part 2
Sid lifted the sweaty foot up to his face once more. his arms were getting sore but he dared not complain. before he could plant a kiss glen gave another order. "i want you to tell me more about how pathetic you are.
The Locker Room Reveal
You want to drag your tongue all over my sweaty feet. you want to taste alllll that, and you want me to let you jerk off while you're doing it." "nnngh...oh god, i do..." "heh, say it. let everyone else here hear what you want."
The Son's Responsibility 2
He stroked himself a little harder, though, imagining his cock caught between her sweaty feet or the rarer treat of being pressed between her tits.
The Son's Responsibility 1
._ rylo shook his head as he lifted one of his mom's sweaty feet to his lips. one little sniff, and he started oozing. his cock dripped into his pants, soaking the crotch almost instantly.
Human Addiction 16: Strict Testing
At least this way, you're not going to get hurt, and i...well, i will admit, i never thought that i'd be getting this sort of...excitement...particularly over the smell of sweaty feet...but it's doing something for me."
Drac's Rule 34 Harem (Reboot) 4
He looked up from her slightly sweaty foot, making himself look her in the eye. "one, i want to be able to have my fun with you, too." "heh, you got me off first, you earned that." "not just now. in the future, too."
TMBL: Teenage Mutant Brother Lovers
What's the matter, you _like_ licking your brother's sweaty feet?" donatello actually blushed at that, but didn't deny it.
The Conditioning of the Feral 2
I love hot, sweaty feet. musky, strong, big enough to cover my head..." "you love getting fucked while you have your head in a pair of feet, don't you?
Chapter 2: The Modern Era
The genie slumped down, his smoky bottom half poofing into a pair of legs that ended in a pair of sweaty feet. crisp fought the urge to cover his nose as the dragon slumped forward, staring at the floor in deep thought.