Bigger Than He Bargained For: 03

It was different from the one summer job he'd had when he was 17, and he'd been let go after coming in 15 minutes late for the fourth time in a row. he hadn't known what the big deal was!

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White Husky

"i've been looking for a summer job, and she offered. pools are nice, better than the mall." "yeah, i get what you mean," joe said. "by the way, my name's joseph." "i'm billie." at last, the hunk had a name! that was a start.

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job quick," dorimon waved over to gaomon who was cleaning tables, gaomon waved back and smiled to them, gabumon and agumon when to guilmon who was on the till, and they order their food so koromon would stop complaining about being hungry.

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And i was kind of supposed to start my summer job last week." "yeah?" "yeah. also, i was sort of supposed to give valedictory the day after dave and i left." there was a pause this time.

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Points East

Hadn't she bought her passage with money saved up from her summer job? lara took out her tickets again -- they seemed almost more valuable than the necklace. a snowflake landed, and then another, blotting out the words.

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Why I am convinced mermaids exist!

It was amazing about a month later i looked for a summer job. and after my adventure with my dear 'pet' dolphin, i wanted to go to the waterpark reserve in my city. they had dolphins there as well and i hoped, i would be able to work with them."

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The Ad

A simple tug of the mouse, and the machine sprang to life; the computer i bought from a long summer of doing chores and working a full time summer job. i clicked up the web and watched the images roll by.

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A New Brother Part 19

Drake can get a summer job and start to pay something towards the bills and food. it will be good before he goes off to a college, get some experience and it can go on his resume."

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The Gillgan Chronicals: The first night

I was nineteen, and i had a summer job at chicken king. i had been working there a few years and had saved up enough for a simple tailwind vr headset.

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A Positive Response to Stimuli

For not the first time, he wondered whether taking on the summer job as a "laboratory research experiment assistant" was really the right move.

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