Can You See Me Now? (Pt. 4 of 5)

He pulled over down a side street and pulled out his laptop, which had been integrated with the dashboard of his new minivan. "what've you got for me?" "they've caught wind of you," i.m. said swiftly.

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HTH 2 Part 1: Welcome To High Tail Hall

He switched off his motorbike, threw off his helmet and put it away in a hidden dashboard compartment then headed toward the main entrance along with numerous others.

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Another car passed us and, when the driver was convinced it was out of sight, he flicked a switch on his dashboard. the light from the headlights became vibrantly purple and the trees in front of us vanished.

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Thank Goodness for Lonesome Roads

He planted his feet on the dashboard and used it to thrust upward with every squirt. he always loved the second orgasm, and he'd grown to know it's unique flavor very well. again, mr.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 88: A Reality That Is Greater Than A Single Mind

I said examining the dashboard- it was in pretty rough shape after being severed from the rest of the chassis, oh and spending the winter and spring on the mountain. "this is a remarkable find.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 55: Two Against A World Gone Mad (Acceptance Part IV)

There were four fist sized monitors in a horizontal configuration immediately above the steering wheel and columns upon columns of red and blue buttons on the center stack of the dashboard. i had no idea what any of them did.

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I'm In Your Hometown

I grabbed my cap off the dashboard and exited into the sunset swampland. the figure--i saw now as a squirrel--stepped out of the trees several yards away.

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A Wrong Turn

The car's engine began to rev, and upon the dashboard, where the steering wheel should have been, a hologram of a beautiful vixen's face emerged. "good evening, serling. would you like the usual drive home program tonight?"

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Late Nights at the Cafe Part Two

I glanced at my dashboard clock, eight twenty-six. i noticed that it was a very still night, not many people on the road, and those who were looked to be back to their homes in a hurry. we continued down the long, winding roads.

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Second Chances : Chapter 11

He unlocked his car and we both got in, after turning the key in the ignition the clock came on, on his dashboard and read 11:23 in bright green block numbers. "my parents are gonna be so pissed," i said bringing the mood back down to earth.

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love and fate

"yea, but its not all that bad, you'll get used to it." mark said trying to comfort his friend, he reached for the dial in the middle of the dashboard. "the usual?"

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