One of Us - 5 - Stung

Too busy fooling outside or showing off with asher and the other neighbour kids, dimitri had little interest for the virtual world. the only times larry could ever feel like he was winning or being better at something was while gaming.

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Yule be Sorry

A video wall of sort encircles the group in the virtual world showing clips and still photos of carnage and mutilations of men, women and children of many races caused by weapons and monsters and their appendages some of which are shown among the photos

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Integration: Part Three

It would be a sort of 'screw you' towards the rats and mice if the smallest species in the alliance were bigger than them in the virtual world.

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Behind Yellow Eyes: Chapter 12

I was forced into a virtual world, and kept there. not all of it was fun. some of it..." my voice cracks. "some of it left a mark in my head. some of it i miss so bad it hurts, unlike any pain i've ever known."

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Never lose hope part 6

The sound of his thumping tail against the wooden bench brought me back from this short moment of virtual world lostness.

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Surgimorphs Chapter 8: A Game Of Cat and Fox

I also set a special glass of amino acids to the side to take duing the run that would keep my mind sharp as i navigated the blood of the virtual world. once everything was in order i got into my dive after sipping my stimulant.


Seasonal Quests

He rubbed the disorientation from his temples, and once fully reintegrated in the virtual world, regrouped with his party.

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Survival of the Fittest Pt3 - Cadet matches part two of two

Again becca thanked her lucky stars this was just a virtual world, otherwise with all the twists and turns she would've easily gotten lost in here and probably starved to death in the real world.

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A Bolt Out of the Blue

He supposed if he let himself get caught that might be easier, but there was no telling how long he'd be kept inside the ball, and if he'd actually be released from it or just sent to a virtual world in the pc to roam.

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Nighttime Mirage

I roleplay sentient animals, sometimes humanoid, sometimes not, usually feline, in virtual worlds crafted by shared imagination.

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Dark Days

We're actually data in some virtual world called the matrix, and kit here is the one, chosen to save all of humanity. am i right?" "only in that kit is a chosen one." proffessor o'neal said, shaking his head.

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The Bacchus Club - Chapter 1: Atrium

In the end, morrell's muscles didn't do his team any good in the virtual world, as they lost. "nyeh heh heh, i spy with my little eye a hunky orca soon to be naked..." she teased. "oh man..." the mentioned hunky orca groaned, but he was smiling.

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