Pins and Needles, Part I

I'm a magical creature... more or less,' she added. "when a mortal learns to cast spells, their eyes become the color of their magic. you're gwen's familiar. what color are her eyes?"

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The Eternal Shards Chapter 1

However, i soon came upon the conclusion that catching a magical creature by surprise is not as easy as one would hope. i felt an all-to-familiar chill about the air. i whirled around to see the angry child standing at the entrance of the cave.

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I need a confirmation on all magical creatures and beings in the l.a. area. can you help me?" after several moments, danath responded. "sorry it took so long. chess is rarely active in that area. here is your requested list.

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Ssindosa Darklust

The walls were painted with erotic scenes of elves, humans, magical creatures, and even animals. on the ceiling were crystal clear mirrors that stretched to the wall behind the bed.

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Wheezy's Switcheroo

It is a magical creature that can alter any characteristic to it's opposite or switch two characteristics between people. it can be tamed only with a special collar, otherwise it just runs amok.

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The Adventures of Jacob Snow: Codex

They are attracted to and take care of magical creatures, partly because they thrive on the magic that those creatures naturally emit, but also because they are horny little buggers whose most common amusement is trying to take the biggest male they can seduce

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Eggceptional Get Away: Leif

"it's got to be some kind of magical creature. it's clearly using a spell when it brings out those wings." "oh oh!" jaidyn jumped up and down. "then will it react to my magic! i know how to cast spells too!" he grinned.

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How To Pokemon Go

Kickaha was by his nature a magical creature. and when science and magic met... weird things happened! and that was all in good fun most of the time!


Naughty Santa Part 4

It called her power, and wintergreen's power, and dasher's, and dancer'...every magical creature in the room had their magical force erupt, causing everyone to come together, even those who had already done so.

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The Adventures of Jacob Snow: Chapter 11

Also, her being a magical creature she is attuned to other magical creatures, and this mage is like nothing she has seen yet. he glows both physically and to her mind's eye. despite the cold of this place, his presence makes her feel warm and at ease.

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