The Warmth of Feathers
The azure avian chuckled sheepishly, averting his gaze as he gave his canine companion a fond squeeze.
Ilorek's Loneliness 5 of 7
That's really all i eat for breakfast, helps to sate my avian side." he used his hands to show off his still-ruffled feathers. most avians tended to wake up with messy, messy feathers.
Type Disadvantages STILL Matter
The weakened avian was thrust onto the ground, left without any reason to be pinned down but still far too worn out to crawl away.
Kings of the Beach [COM]
Nathan then nosed along the avian's cheek. "so what do you want to do next, stud?"
Chapter 2: The Competition
The avian eyed him curiously. "you mean like an assassin?" he asked.
The best kind of fling.
Anther day, like most for the avian. some would call it plain, others would call it the most disturbing thing that has ever crossed their minds.. but for the gryphon, it was life.
A Hum-dinger
The colorful avian was rapidly approaching the plateau of orgasmic bliss, when he suddenly stopped all movement.
Sneak Preview: New Os-Nadarra story (Improved version)
Avolon was a city of avians -of bird-like inhabitants, who mostly travelled by their natural power of flight instead of on foot.
The Life and Times of Tyson the Eagle Whore - An Incestual Encounter
The avian did finally bend back up to a full standing position, cum still dangling and dripping from his beak and ass as he makes no effort to clean it off - the avian standing there almost proudly with his markings as he slowly says, "w.. will that be all
Continuing Lessons
Finally, cephus draped the long elegant avian legs around his waist, holding the bird's upper body close and he forced him into a deep kiss.
Regular Snack 2
Tracing his tongue along the avian's insides was rather exciting and so was listening to his moans getting louder as he finally reached the prostate.
Belial: A Dark Dream Come True
Kori moaned with delight as the bones of his face reformed themselves, altering into a perfect avian shape.