File #12 - "Instincts"

"eh... thirty one percent captain!" she said, finally finding the right display amongst the myriad of different functions and options at the engineering station.

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Origin of the Plushie Form

However, less than one percent of all known beings can manipulate null-space naturally. that's where the omnivices come into play.


Pet of the Tentacles Ch3

Of the trillions of cells in that egg, less than one percent will become a part of a thinking entity like myself."

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Project Godlike: Promotions

"possibly but we need to find out what happens when she actually gets angry, just now and in fact every other incident where we thought she was truly angry her heart rate and other conditions about her body only raised about one percent, even when

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Glitched Bottom

The remaining one-percent of them were tolerable at best, but often had shit paychecks. much as wolf o'donnell hated the former, he preferred them to the latter, because at least he could walk away with something to keep fuel in his wolfen.

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One Lucky Little Dragon

Which means, he's less than one percent the size of each of these females!" "no wonder i was able to pick him up," said duri. "now, the question is, which female should he breed with first?" asked xanik. "they're all approaching us."

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A Place in the Universe chapter 2

The reason the alpha beat you so easily is because he's in the five percent of all wolves that have the ability to control and manipulate energy...i believe that you are in the one percent of those that could even transcend that level, but it won't be easy

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Jeremy, A Special Delivery

Turning he went around the house to go back inside.transfer completeaccount balance 67 units so one percent of stan equalled sixty seven units. surprised, jeremy made his way through the kitchen and to the living-room.

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Control Group

But, that one percent worried him. it worried him because there had been another box directly beneath select none. one that read select all.

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White Hart, Black Heart Ch. 2

Of course, being a member of upper one percent, he probably lives in the fucking sequoia tower penthouse. i shake my head. "i'm a vegetarian," i say, my voice hoarse. "droon's balls," he mutters, then leaves again.

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