Ease & Bonding

"i know some stuff 'cause my dad was a chiropractor. he did the same for me, especially if i had stress or anxiousness for a long period." she lightly pressed and rubbed the spot while alyssa tensed and pulled away, but julie firmed her grip. "i feel it.

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All In A Days Work - Chapter Two -

"mmm...that feels better, i really should go see a chiropractor - " felicity chuckled, as she slumped back down into the chair and picked up a carrot, rolling it listlessly between her paws, before she lowered her head and nipped the top off it with her strong

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Legal Issues - Chapter 2 [TF / Cow]

Her joints and lower back ached still and she wondered whether she'd need to see her chiropractor. worse, her breasts ached in a way she'd never felt before. it wasn't bad, exactly; it was just that they felt tight and solid.

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A WIP, personal story.

I still want to become a chiropractor and have taken classes to do so, i'm qualified and everything but never really went through with it... some... things came up."

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(ZOO) All In A Days Work

"mmm...that feels better, i really should go see a chiropractor - " felicity chuckled, as she slumped back down into the chair and picked up a carrot, rolling it listlessly between her paws, before she lowered her head and nipped the top off it with her strong

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Renatus Chapter 3

I was turning into a chiropractor's best client. it wasn't long before ember passed out in the back. glancing at luke i saw him still singing along to his music i couldn't help but wonder.

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The Tent & The Change Series "Earth" - Part 2

We really could twist and turn in ways that would make a chiropractor faint, apparently our bones were not rigid but could become flexible almost like rubber when needed, another interesting property of this new form.

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Rowan's Redemption - Chapter 10

'i'm a chiropractor. i get paid to crack people's backs, basically.' 'okay, but who is jessie? one of your clients?' 'uh-huh. when she visited me for her first treatment, i asked her to take her shirt off.

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The Shower

His left shoulder blade had been giving him trouble for the past few weeks, and he made a mental note to call for a chiropractor appointment later today. the clock on the wall read 8:30 am, and jace made his way into the locker room.

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An Entirely Unprofessional Massage

An air of desperation seemed to hang around any and all who decided to try going to a massage parlor before they would go to a proper doctor or chiropractor.

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Zootopia movie script: Zootopia SWAT act 1

Judy: i definitely have to hire you as my chiropractor. scene: judy turns to bertolt the german hare. judy: so....have you two been able to find an apartment closer to the precinct yet?

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Conversion 8: Change of View

So sometimes when he sleeps he hooks himself up to a thing that does the neurological equivalent of having a chiropractor work out the kinks in your back." "that... doesn't sound worth it." elizabeth shrugged.

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