The Master: Who is he really?

Not for his own consumption, but for the consumption of the submissive. the submissive grows because of his tender nature, because of his harsh will. the master is also nature, both in the essence of life, and death.

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You and Them

Rampant consumption and consumerism culture that touts the belief that there is something wrong with you and the only way to fix it is to buy our product. in the sea and filth of consumption, there's you.


There's No Such Thing As Ethical Consumption Under Capitalism

She'd considered being part of the tour, where customers could see cows clearly enjoying their work, but she didn't think she could tone down her reactions enough for public consumption.

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Priyanka's Caffeinated Coffee Consumption Chaos!

With that rationalization, she repeated the coffee pouring and consumption process, priya finding the taste more enjoyable with every cup, before the once full coffee pot had been emptied.

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Confection Infection: Part 1 - Consumption

This caused a pause in his carnal consumption of the carpet confection. could it have been a sign of life from adrian? he waited, hoping to detect other disturbances deep within him, but felt nothing.

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Meeting Her Acquaintance Scene 2

We've been talking strictly oral consumption, yet if you wanted that you could get it from bern here. i have a theory, but i want to hear it from you." a deep blush swelled in ceylon's neck and cheeks, turning the black of her cere mauve.

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Solomon Talks: On The Subject of Diet

As the names imply, these two groups are differentiated based on the general desire for meat consumption.

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Introductory Thaumaturgy Theory and Society

With this controlled consumption and reformation, the magi were able to keep their population in balance, and their fighting force strong.

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Trailblazer Part 12

The gathered energy flies through the void and crashes into the vision of consumption, elvo looks and sees it is having a slow but obvious effect, but soon the cosmic horror begins to push forward again.

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Longview to Eggs

How she'd writhe and press around, stretching him out as her consumption was assured. or he could start with her tail. grasp it and shove it into the gape of his greedy member.

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A Deadly Lullaby for Mother

._ walter had never consciously formed the words to finish that sentence; instead he trusted her liver to surrender to the daily consumption of hard liquor. but after seven years of waiting, he finally conceded: _mother had a cast-iron liver_.

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