The Basics of Roger Draco's Bio

His grandfathers raised him until he was 13, then he was sent to his parents, & their he remained working at his father's relics dealership, draco relics & curios.


The Pain Of Losing - Chapter Two

I sigh to myself,"oh man music class" i start moving to the music class then jean shows up which confused me for a bit so i got curios and moved to greet her.

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Jessie's Revenge

This one almost looked like one of the mysterious curio shops out of a movie complete with dust covered curios in the windows. with a shrug jessie entered the shop. the smell of incense fills the air as jessie enters.

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takato want guilmon part 2

"what would that be takatomon" he still looked curios about my intentions. "kiss me" i said right before rubbing his lips with my own then i brought my hand to the back of his head.

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Dark love part 1

I shrug and try to come up with a excuse"i don't know guess i'm curios that's all"he shrug and notice dark behind me"is dark your friend?"i look at him a bit surprised but react normal and nod"oh um can....."

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The Kinky Khajiit Maid

This is sort of a parody, hence the blatantly ridiculous names :p if you played morrowind and actually met crassius curio, and had to get naked for him, you'll understand why, haha.

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Dimension 67, Issue 1 Overview

Roger agree, & briefly further educates him regarding art & history, as the beginning of his training, then he was taken to the relics dealership next door for further education, where he is also acquainted with roger's father, the patron of draco relics & curios

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The Soul Keepers Chapter 3

Demon very curios climbs out of rayne's arms and slips down the trunk before transforming back into her dragon self. to demon's surprise, a group of species were attacking the beast that had chased them last night.

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Character Profile: Verona

Despite her position and training, her knowledge of the world is undeveloped, and is mostly the reason behind her curios behavior and personality.verona was recruited into the special task force, primarily because of her skills in gunplay.


Chapter 8

The thing is i called you.. because i needed your help for something.",leo replied to her making her look at him curios.

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 21 - Enter: Revan

Her questioning face just begged for an answer, and there was a lot she was curios about now but the umbreon knew that at the moment it was pointless to explain.

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