How It Goes - Part 3
Scott's gazing at the telly screen, watching brian and tom going at it with tekken. "yeah? reckon we should light 'em cigars then." brian gets up, stretching. the sixth can rolls off his lap. "what, inside?" "no, no, got a balcony.
Prologue & Chapter 1
"ok, who's up for some tekken 6?"he asked cheerfully and tried to get their mood up. both nodded. leo reached the machine and swiped his card to start playing. "ok, who is the first who wants to lose?" leo asked with an amused voice.
An Invincible Summer Ch. 5 - Sunloathe
And besides, i could never evict someone who beat me at tekken." liz smiled and gave north a kiss on the cheek. both he and michael were adorable in their own right. "kiss the cook, huh?"
The New Place chapter 5
After a brief moment when everyone greeted dave and talked a little they got back to playing, this time with dave going against phil in a round of tekken. they've played for one more hour before deciding to take a break.
King (Tekken) Vs King of Dinosaurs (King of Fighters)
#3 of written commissions commissioned fanfiction written by me, starring king from tekken and king of dinosaurs from king of fighters.
A Rainy Day
\>a match of tekken gone sour. \>even the age old argument over the legal residence of pineapple on pizza soil. \>every so often, you two had a small falling out.
The Rebound
I was wondering... you any good at tekken?" an evil grin curled the ends of the oni's lips upward. "are you kidding? i can arse-rape anyone with steve fox! i just 'ope you're good enough..." the two stepped inside.
Blue-Balled by Bears Squared
"i figured you'd suck at this, nobody beats me at tekken," the bear said in a playfully haughty tone. he got up and sat next to benn, thigh to thigh, with a smirk on his face. benn chuckled.
The Shadow Scythe.
The nex day heihachi scimithar (^yes iâ´ve coppied it from tekken 3, in fact they prety like each other^), president of the ddc, presented a serial of projects in order to "maximize the control on the digital life forms knowed as digimons, since these
Night Of The Brothers: 'Friday The 13th'
Ever played tekken? believe it or not his moves were like that teen lass's... what was her name? lili? i think so.
First Mission, BITCHES!
**I'm back with Mission #1! I hope you guys like this; it took a LOT outta me for this to become existent!** **My name is Seje, Thunder123 is Chris, Koraru Kinomoto is Kora, and sinfulnature1123 is Sin!** **Roll The FUCKING Film!** * * * _Chapter...
[Free Com] King (Tekken) Vs. Marduk
Well, this is a first, in many ways! It's my first PG - 13 / General age rated story (at least that I remember :l) and it's my first ever free commission! I normally would be FAR too lazy to write a free story that someone else ordered, but I told a...