Freakshow Fighting

Hidden infrared cameras capture the bloody scene for posterity as the youngest son of don marconi has his head crushed and left in the shadows as ogrrr moves on.

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Crossover Series - Part 1 [The fall of Avalon]

Aiden cried out as he slammed his foot down his enemy's head, crushing his skull. "then hurry up!" jason yelled, avoiding the enemies that tried to get in his way and cutting down those who didn't move out of the way. "they're getting away!"

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One Crunchy Bat [RP Log]

"goodbay, mammal," he snarls before he ultimately stomps down on your head, crushing it like a grape.

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Presenting Polymer - The Strechable Skunk

You think i'll die from a mere head crushing?" he reared back his left arm and yelled, "feel my slime!" he thrust his arm forward, and a tendril of green slime oozed off of it.

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Shadows in the Dark

On all fours, deke fought like a thing possessed, kicking out wildly and scoring a few good hits before the cat managed to pin his paws above his head, the stallion's head crushed into the dirt as he obstinately kept to his knees.

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Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 01

It's a miracle you didn't get your head crushed in, do you know that? your right leg was crushed; it's got a few more days to go." "okay, and when are you going to take the casing off?" "a few more days, alex, like i said." he cursed.

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A Patient Death 24: Gift Horse

Last man he fought had his head crushed in with a hammer." nevermind that breeze nearly lost the use of his leg during it.

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Fat Pig Ass Suffocation

He was helpless against the pig's anal assault -- against the fat cock head crushing his prostate, and it was too late to come back. his body suddenly tensed, and he screamed, "no... no, stop, please! i... i... guuhhhh!"

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Beerus VS A21

In doing so, she discovered beerus's strong erection, and to compensate for her kick, she began to wiggle on her penis, at the same time that she hugged the cat's head, crushing it against his tits.

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Chapter Ten: Mourning

She struggled, but it was useless as the james-beast growled and pulled her back against the throbbing meat of his cock, the head crushing her dainty little petals as he smeared the hot sticky pre all over her folds, working her hips to gain purchase

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Love, War, and Duty: Wolf Lord Rising

Then amark cleaved off the man's head, crushing it under his foot as it hit the ground. amark could feel the peace begin to flow; he was finally freed from his daemons! he could finally take coyotka as his.

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Firedancer 2: Quinn

Blood and bone splattered from the beast's mouth as he dropped the very dead hyena, head crushed and almost unrecognizable. quinn's insides tightened and his vision spun.

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