Soccer Sucks 2

Speedy was toying and teasing the larger feline, very much enjoying the reverse role. tip of claw gently traced along chest, moving lower to abs, massaging them with ease and finally, reaching to the area that identified him as a potent male.

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She didn't register something he was saying to her, only vaguely recognizing it as some demeaning taunt about the reversed roles. she barely even registered the two different times she came during his relentless fucking of her.

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This theory seemed borne out by other changes, for in a twinkling their clasped bodies had reversed roles.

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La Vie En Rose

He suggested they reverse roles but yelena reminded him that she had already been all over this area, without being spotted, and that sobr paw-to-paw combat training was second to none.

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Silent Guardians (Remastered)

There was also something... particularly exciting when you could hold sway over your superior and reverse roles in the bedroom. sometimes, though, she still had that commanding itch.

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[QC-16-17] Ritualistic Needs

Oh, some ancient magic making people so hungry that preds and prey are reversing roles? how about a gem that only works when eaten, so people keep swallowing it and prey have to crawl down the preds throats against their will to retrieve it?"

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Holiday From Real (A1, B10, C12)

"i thought you were trying to teach me humility, and tamae trust, by having us reverse roles." tamamo grinned. "was i?" she tilted her head a bit and began kissing tamae's neck. "i just wanted to hold you down until you displayed dominance.

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The Stable-Hand

He reflexively hugged himself even tighter against the horse, which seemed to sense his fear; big maximus began to nicker gently, reversing roles and now trying to be the one to calm another.

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