The Big One (Idea/Gift for Kaji

"this is perhaps the best burger i've ever tasted!" kaji smirked. "see, told ya." cim finished the burger in his hand with a few more bites, barely taking enough time to savor the flavor.

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A Lover's Fantasy

burger after burger was stuffed into her maw, grease, sauce and bits of meat clung to her muzzle and chins. with just one burger left, tammy looked ready to quit. her stomach pushed out further than it had ever before, a sea of fat below the tight ball.

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Hungry For Change

Trevor gripped the pan with both hands and attempted to flip the burger. he failed miserably and the burger fell on the kitchen floor. disappointed with his horrible attempt trevor let out a low whine.

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Two new friends

Finally, after a long walk, i enter through the glass doors of the burger place and find a table to sit before going and ordering a simple chicken burger.

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Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 28: So Much to Learn

Kyle fidgeted at burger's casual remark about the deaths of the docking bay's workers. "shouldn't we try to help them?" the bull beside the human squeezed him gently with his embracing arm. "comms can't reach." burger's ears lowered.

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Love Is Blind

"they have the best burgers ever!" my boyfriend says, biting into his burger, smiling wide. we are here in a small city to see his sister for the first time. "what should i say?" i ask leon, who swallows his burger and shrugs.

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The Lake Hangout

I walk back into the burger joint once more with luke travelling close behind me. i order a chicken burger like the day before and a medium-sized cup of cola. luke hesitates on ordering for a moment before picking the same as me.

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A wolf at Mc Paws

It´s a grey shirt with a burger at the chest "mc paws, we´re the fattest food in town" is written under the burger. "there we go, put it on i want to look how it looks on you.

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A Love Unmatched

"ham sandwich or a burger?" he asked himself, tapping his hoof.

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Meeting Half Way: Or, Joy of Brie.

The lion tried hard not to think of burgers...burgers...burgers... now he couldn't think of anything else. "this is getting serious." he knew he couldn't hold out much longer.

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Inqu Pt. 4

She picks up her burger. "like this~" she takes a bite out of her burger and smiles at me. "but...greasy paws..." i whimper before my ears perk. "d-did yesterday really happen?" i look at her with a bit of worry. "yesterday?

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