Join the Chorus

I am the Tooth and the Wing. within my breast burn the fires of anger, revenge, hatred. I soar the skies and see all the ugliness that the world hides. I am the Claw and the Tail. I see that which can not be seen, I act with swiftness and cunning....


Joining the Corrupted

I got bit by a werewolf. And survived. Everyone knew what that meant, even me, in my shock. So I hid it from them. My classmates, my friends. Yeah. Nobody needs to know. Except I feel it now, crawling up my arm. Beckoning me to let it spread. The...

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Joining the Pack

The others joined in and began to dig on. suel was cautious at first, but he stepped forward and buried his head in the prey as well, not a single one of the pack did so much as flick an ear at his presence.

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Join The Dance

The room that Klein walked into was bare and white, like an empty vessel. There were two life-sized mannequins resting at its center, laying half on top of each other in a heap with strings folding down around them. As he approached them, the strings...

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Joining the Girls

The last night had whirled into an exciting blur. Rebecca had been with him for most of it. She had run off in some other direction, said there was someone who wanted to something something and she'd be back by morning, and he hadn't seen her since....

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Joining the Fraternity

The sound of traffic was almost too loud despite the fact that San had several buildings between him and interstate. The wail of sirens and the rush of the wind as cars zipped past as fast as they could go. There were always sirens in this part of...

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Join The Club

By this time nala couldn't help herself, and had sat down upon her haunches to start furiously pawing her moist loins as she watched her prince claim the other, her own lustful moans soon joining the others.

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Join The Family

Roxie joined in with the applause and cheers praising bruce's words. the majority of the meeting consisted of various stories on how other members had assisted in moving the quest for lycanthrope rights forward.

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Joining the Rodeo

I thought i could join the rodeo and make some cash." the bulls stared at jamie and then at eachother. it wasn't long before the silence broke and the two erupted into ferocious laughter. "you want to be a cowboy, eh?

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Join the Club

Slowly, the feline snapped out of the daze and shi joined in, dancing with lisa just as obscenely as shi and everyone else in the room had started doing.

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Joining the Family

It was good to see that he was getting a little less awkward, at least...he joined in with the stripping down, shucking off his clothes and tossing them into the hamper.

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