Radial Flux: Chapter 1: It Begins

The bear's filthy paw finger finds itself pressing into those wiggling jowls, and jack can't help but start suckling on it eagerly.

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The Dream That Turned Real - The Canine Underworld Part 11

"get your filthy paws off me, demon!" it said, uncurling itself. "aah! it said something!" lupo jumped back, fur on end. "who's the demon here, being -- us, or you?"

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Filthy Sewer Games (1)

When the wolf returned, dante tried to get up and crawl away, but before he could get very far he was knocked onto his back, one of the wolf's large, filthy paws pressed against his chest.

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All Bets are off

"kneel and put your filthy paws behind your back." the red panda did as he was told. milo heard some heavy pawsteps behind him. he looked at door where he saw primo enter the room. in his right paw primo was holding toby by his neck.

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Chance Encounters

"the only thing you'll ever mate is your filthy paw," vitani said. he laughed at that, so hard he began swaying. he got onto his fours to scrape at his boulder for purchase, least he fell into the river.

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to gain a pokemon...to lose your heart part 7

He quickly regained his feet, seeing the pokemon desecrating the body of his beloved, touching her with its filthy paws, and leapt at it again, trying to do anything to hurt it, to make it get away from the ninetails.

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Raspberry Line Chapter 5 - Get To Know: Arkethius Rachaun

Emeral felt the tips of her ears turn to ice as ritzer's filthy paw clutched the block of wood like it was the remote control to his tv. something about it didn't seem right. he appeared to heft it; to gauge it. "i'ss kin'a heavy--'ey!

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Rise and Fall

"if you laid one filthy paw on her i swear i will end your meaningless existence." was that sadness in his father's eyes? "i didn't touch her.

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Two Jaguars, One Bathtub

Gerry wiped off some of the shit that was covering his eyes and face before he began to shovel the rest of it into his mouth, noisily smacking on the feces and licking his filthy paws clean.

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The Human Species Ch.107 - Reading (Epilogue of Episode XIV)

On the cover was a lucario, one of his filthy paws caressing the thigh of a beautiful lady in regal, albeit almost fully removed clothing. lucario continued to stare at the picture.

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Rathatoes Chapter 2: Season's Breedings

He pushed his wings back and forth, using the female paw pads to pleasure his rigid cock in a filthy paw job from his new rathian mate. she grew more and more engrossed by this strange rathalos' advancement. she didn't fight it.

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My Slave Family- Chapter 25

"how about you get your filthy paws off my son?!" leggo growled with his heckles standing on end. he bared his fangs and spit was dripping from his mouth. "no!" tyger shouted, then turned towards lyon. "come sit next to me."

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