Gareth and Liam - Chapter 1

Popping the cork, he emptied the flask over his chest until all that remained of the paint was a slowly dissolving puddle of grey goo at his feet. turning to the professor, he added, "i promise it won't hurt the grass, kay."

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Favors of the First Ones - Chapter 19

An open rebellion while the favors were still communicating would result in the annihilation of countless worlds by the lawkeepers, and entire races would be converted to grey goo and then fade into memory.

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Scavenger Part 3 (Commission for Giza)

Maybe i just don't need you anymore, stormy said, as she managed to drag herself to the fallen soldier, and without any dramatics, she grabbed hold of the soldiers boot flooding his body with nanobots, making him scream as he melted into a puddle of grey goo

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Doctor Who: Before the Beginning or Giants of Eternity

With an explosion of gunmetal grey goo, taal's body burst fully free from maltik. maltik exploded: splattering over a wide area. the titanic wolf snarled in an almost feral expression.

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Easy Money 2: Favors with Flavor

Then he saw the grey goo making its way from ms. devonshire's machine through the hose to his mask. then he panicked. todd was there to hold him down. _that's_ why he was there. "hold still! it's not going to hurt!"

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I Hear A Sound 2 - That You Made Your Choice

Your brain is simply but a mould of membranous tissue and grey goo yet it controls your entire body, contains your thoughts and hopes and dreams and memories.

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Digimon Defenders Side Chapter 3 Part 1

Stammered gazi, even as his penis pulsed and splashed his chest with milky grey goo. "...what?!" almost everyone asked in unison, staring blankly at gazi. the cabbit smiled mischievously.

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Walls: Exodus 4 - Shield of Sophos

The lusus component that givesa hybrid its powers.we've tamed it to a point where we gain its benefits without turning into an all-consuming-grey-goo-von-neumann-machine." "you make it sound intelligent," i said.

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A Favourite Situation Chapter 6

As he swallowed another lump of grey goo, he wondered what jeanne actually meant about accepting the situation, but not exactly accepting a slave.

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WtV: Timeline

Within strict parameters, a plan that'll last 10.000 years to implement and that'll avoid anything remotely like a grey goo or paperclip maximizer scenario. the idea is to create artifical habitats, each simulating a biome.

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