Coach's Boys - Chapter 10: Confessions of a Football Player

He would not cry in front of chad. not right now. chad suddenly felt embarrassment, as he pieced together the events of that night.

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my teacher got into my pants 4

Clean up that garden for me please" chad nodding "ok sure" while they drove towards chad school.

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Investigating Someone's Files (First Parody Story)

chad and raio looked at one another, curious about what to say. "chad, you are certainly a great hacker, so you will do just fine," raia clarified. raio groaned in displeasure as chad licked his lips. "chad, just scram now," he yelled.

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The Pink Acorn

"dude," chad grunted. but when bento snatched away the ruler and scooted closer, chad said nothing. bento placed the ruler back and his thumb grazed chad's shaft before he settled.

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Unlikely Companion chap. 8: The Hang Out

All these questions seemed to linger around chad's mind as he tried to search for the answer. chad almost fell off the roof in shock when nala popped her head up in front of chad. "what are you doing up here chad?"

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Relaxing Vacation (P0rn)

~" chad grinned, then slowed down his movements just enough. "_hnn!_ chad- hurry! i... _haaa~!"_ chad was moving at a snail's pace now, drawing out the experience as long as possible.

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My Teacher got into my pants 1

chad stepped into the shower and turned it on.

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A Secret Happiness

Todd kisses chad harder, slowly inching chad's trousers over his belly and just over his hips.

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The lioness incident

chad was puzzled by the last bit but was content enough that she was aroused! so chad played along a bit, "would i be in trouble if i kissed you?"

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Skunky Business full story

chad saw stacy was walking him towards the public restrooms which was good chad thought because he really had to shit. it was just then chad felt a backwards tug at his harness. what now i really have to go chad thought.

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