S2 Ep6 New friend

Dakota had asked as marble had a smile on his face. marble then fused to show kage and akira holding hands, waving at dakota before refusing to marble once again. "interesting the two are staying fused together, for now right?" dakota asked.

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Xenomorph 4

When marbles got to the office she was greeted by the leader and was shown a report from mitch the dragon warrior major on planet xeno. marbles looked at the pictures in shock.


The Ancient Ruins

Instead of a marble statue, it felt like someone had fallen into me. soft hands and flesh pushed against me instead of cold marble. the warm smile had changed into a shocked, open mouth.

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Chapter 4 - Demos, Sword of Shadows

"come," said leo and the marble rolled towards leo as he continued to look at the marble. when the marble was only 5 inches away, leo said "shatter" and the marble broke into dust that blew into the wind.

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Derrick the Swallower of Worlds Ch. 1

He eagerly grabbed another pawful of marbles. he inserted one after another, feeling a new addition drop into his flap of scaly skin each time. soon, he ran out of marbles, and was closer to orgasm than before.

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And now for someone completely different.

Her hand plunged into her pocket; pulling out the very first marble she could get her fingers on. it was the red marble, the marble of fire. jillian held the marble in her thumb and forefingers, letting it glint in the sunlight.

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Vicious cycles

S'long as they keep growing in population we'll just make more planet marbles." the alpha smirks and takes the marble and both he and the mouse pull the boots off. toes splay and the tiny marbles are settled in the deep, musky crevice between.

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