The Morphlings: Chapter 1

It was especially difficult with zephyr changing forms sporadically since she didn't have control at such a young age.

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Of Deserts and Skies

Again, thank you readers, for reading my sporadic-but-hopefully-great poems. constructive criticisms are welcome, cookies may be involved.

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Quick Kills No.1 Big Mike

I'd aimed the chute perfectly, sporadically belching an arc of chunky liquid michael all over me. i bathed in the soupy life shower, with larger unground pieces pelting my wings and arms.

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Jenna's Halloween

She quickly reassured them, and gradually the texts became more sporadic. tj certainly still saw her as the mother of the gang, and kudzu was quick to respect her once they got to know each other. jenna reminisced about halloweens past.

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Cyberland - 1

The arm whirred softly as she sporadically tried to pick up the shards.      "alexa stop, you haven't been maintaining your augment. go down to the basement while i lockup and i'll help you out."

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Cybera - an erotic cyberpunk thriller - Chapter 9

He looked back over his shoulder, barely able to catch sight of the wolf that hurried along behind him, sporadically twisting mid-jog to fire off a few rounds. "how many are there?" yelled the fox.

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Smoothed Over

"so, kelle did this thing where xie tucked a vibe into my panties before i left the house for the day, and worked the controller sporadically from home." sidi explained.

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Chapter 4: Do As I Say

His fur was as glaring white with the exception of two black patches that covered his eyes and dozens of small spots that sporadically covered his muzzle.

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Worlds: B1, C5, Dragon

His eyes narrow to thin slits and he chuckles, a deep sound more like sporadic growling than laughter. "i accept. my name is alduin, and i will be your slayer."

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The Learnings of a Mage: High Counsels Request

Once the room stopped spinning from the teleportation process jacen noticed the entire council was gathered in the room, not the sporadic attendance he had seen in prior engagements.

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The Ashen Monument

Nearly all of the citizens of wullabura came home in a sporadic caravan. if only, in some cases, to see what could be recovered from houses and apartments that were known to be lost.

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