Ranulf Meets Caiek

In olden times such a move would be seen as a show of deep respect by one of their more feral ancestors, but now it was just a desperate, if not pitiful plea from a poor, pathetic cat that wanted something he would never be able to have after this night.

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Punishment by Proxy

"it's been our clan's tradition since olden times." "that is correct..." aria nodded as she slowly circled the kunoichi. "...and you know what is not tolerated within our ranks?" dash shivered at her tone. "...f-fail-" "exactly. _failure_."

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Making a Pet

"isn't that a classic image of olden times..." he chuckled to himself, noticing how it very much looked like what one expected a princess to be tied to while awaiting a dragon to abduct her. "and it's where you'll stay, if you don't mind.

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Awakening - Part 7

"the idea from olden times with this was to have another baby on the way by morning." tobi said. "so, family dish," said dani with a nod. "i thought my first meal in seeker's galley also counted.

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White Vampire: Chapter One

That said, it was not that she did not look like a queen or royalty of olden times in a corset that accentuated rather than concealed her figure, the long, flowing skirt begging the question of just what lay beneath.

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White Vampire: Chapter Two

He wore his many scars on those paws, along with his arms, back and every other part of him, and she swiped her tongue out as if suddenly struck shy, bathing his old wounds as canines of olden times would soften the injuries of their loved ones in times of

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The Last Journey Of Theodore Vulcek, Leader, Beloved Husband, and Pack Brother

"back in olden times, like really olden. year 11, or whatever. there's this saint called natalis of donegal, and he comes across this family who had converted to being catholic from... zeus-ism, whatever they were before.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 5.5 - Trading Steel

Entering the town proper, they found other tourists agog at the accurate rendition of old houses, whilst staff members worked both behind the scenes and in front, playing the lives of ordinary japanese citizens in olden times from kaiju carrying vegetables

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