chapter 1 it all begins here

Before what we know now of these creatures they had appeared within the city centre attacking certain individuals with truly strange and unknown powers. this is where me and wolf had met for the first time.

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Future Sanctuary - Chapter 1: Fireball

Sensors showed signs of sentient life forms and unknown power sources. i want warning before anything can get close to the crawlers and the civilians."

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The Renegade's Choice

But far more than that, the touch had been warm and bright, as bright as the sun at noon, as warm as a fire in winter, full of hope and a strange, unknown power.

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 27 - Altala - The City at Night

Is there some kind of unknown power or something that does this on purpose?_ "eh...em..." kyurex gave his girlfriend a glance, noticing her mood change. may didn't say anything. he then shortly looked at slade, who seemed to be kind of pissed.

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Half-Blood Chapter XX

As if some unknown power filled me and i just lost control... it was if i was just a ghost watching my body killing those people... you must think i'm a complete nut-job..." he muttered sadly to himself.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 21

unknown power is dangerous and this is what her warrior's instinct didn't want to allow to flourish. elemental energy circled in her body, ready to be unleashed, she loved environments with lots of light and shadows.

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Playing with Fire

As the campfire flickered in the night, he marveled at the writing, ancient, elegant looking loops and curves, seeming to glow faintly with some unknown power in the night.

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Chapter 2: Ghost Ship (final rough draft)

Also that there appeared to be no damage from weapons fire or combat of any sort, just what appeared to be from this unknown power surge. "lieutenant omatto, i'm sad to report i will not be able to get life support back online." shina reported.

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Part 4: Newfound Purpose

So, it would be the energy blade and one of my unknown powers. i give him the knowledge he would need to use the energy blade, and then ask him permission to perform an experiment.

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Chapter 3: The Recovery

Killed by an unknown power that somehow came from ian. who gave him this power and why is skylar concerned? **hey chapter 3!** **i am sorry that this one is a little slow, or at least it is to me anyway hope you enjoy.

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Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapters Thirteen/Fourteen

"they are still a relatively unknown power. but their message is quickly gaining in popularity amongst the working class.

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