Sorry state

The furious parent hums what can only be perceived as condolences. the fright paralyzed cub seeing those dreaded foot paws stop at the threshold of his room.

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That is as good a condolence as any when it comes to us. "sorry to hear that," emily says. "but i doubt you want condolences." kira shrugs. "i'm over it.

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Sibirskaia: Blood & Water Part 2

Offering their condolences. religious platitudes that he doubted they even believed...and in which he found no comfort. behind and to his right stood elliot, half hidden...and past them both stood stanley.

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Love Lost, Chapter 9a: Dispositions.

Flip: an angry man... with a mohawk expressing his condolences for someone else's fatuity. she almost lost her nerve to press the channel-up button again. flip: "call now for a consultation from a real psychic."

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Road of hills and valleys

"thank you, ken" "jonathan, you have my deepest condolence, i cannot express my grief enough.

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Bittersweet: Part I.

Voices of comfort and sadness offering their condolences echoed within her mind, but most of all, one particular moment replayed itself over and over in lexis mind...

Nice To Meet You

"my condolences," the raccoon said. i frowned a little, but he just laughed roughly. "by all means, hah, it's perfectly fine, heh!" he snickered. this was going to be interesting.

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 22

Everyone had been caught off guard by her sudden death and all offered their condolences to dark growlithe, though he remembered nothing of it.

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Stephan and summerbreeze saw this, and they both hugged and whispered words of thanks and condolences.

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Getting Better

I was visiting my sister" "elizabeth is unwell, oh do give her my condolences then and i hope she gets better" "thank you sir, i'll pass the message on" the rough looking dog turns and walks off briskly when out of sight arthur's hand grows into a tighter

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Warm Sands 4.5 (eng. Vers.)

"so many condolences in such a short time. please, go. i want to be alone. we will talk about everything tomorrow." as they left the throne room, kheru sighed heavily. bakari's ears drooped. "did we do the right thing?" he asked the group.

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