fursona zioken

A more cunning and preciseness' about the way it is itself. both of these species make up the whole that is a part of me.

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I put one of my stories in google translate, this is what I got

Alaric looked at the large window area green eyes remind people cling reminder great beauty, greetings cunning race.

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Wyvern's Wishes

Even with the relatively low cunning the lesser dragons possessed, shyissa's master had cottoned on quickly enough to the advantages--and enjoyment--of having her collared and leashed.

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The First Book of Queens

At last, the great beast of cunning was roused from his slumber, although his sacred lifegiver remained sore from his forceful conquest of his daughter.

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There, they endowed the beast with wisdom, strength, cunning, extra fierceness, speed, agility, balance, grace, and a thousand other attributes to be used for its own gain.

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Hunter Vs Mindy Round 2

cunning as much as she is smart she wanted to expand and protect her fellow herbivores.

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The Moon Follows the Sun

cunning... most cunning. i have no qualms about meeting that traitor in combat. my nightmare blood is suited to confronting and directly resolving conflict.

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Fox Huntsman

It come down to this, the final dance of life and death - who would come out victorious - the hunters and their hounds - or would the cunning of the vixen prevail and she would outsmart them all with her tricks and whiles?

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A Fighter - short poem

cunning, quick, i'll overcome. wise, understanding, i'll listen. passionate, watchful, i'll protect you. strong, fearless, i'll fight for us. vigilant, knowing, i'll be ever present. honored, adored we will be forever.

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Zion - LotNM Character Prologue (Jillian Nesthen)

"no, child... the southern quarter amidst the hovels and shanties are a place where only the strong and cunning can survive." she stated, "the wild lands are a place where none survive." "what about the wildlanders?" he pressed.

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The Hunt.

She had nothing, she had being stripped to her fur and all she had was her wits and her cunning to stay one step ahead of the hunter.

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