Jeremy; List Of Species

They are largely an genetic offshoot of jaguars and still few in number but are gaining in population. this is apparently due to several factors.


Chapter 32 - A Night Under the Stars

Some hylian scientists had made the theory that they were an offshoot of the peahat and that they could even be related by genus.

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Zatha's lineage-Uncut

And when the creature started to move its shaft in her, that offshoot moved with it. the creature pulled back slowly, drawing its thick member out from the chick's body only to thrust back in again hard.

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Forest Keep 46

The combination sacs which produced the powerful flame were offshoots of the digestive process and were under control from an early age, able to reach temperatures normally only found inside volcanoes.

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The Coffin: Part 2

In the back of the cave was occupied by what must have been an offshoot of the cataract he fell into. it trickled gently now, meandering through the cave, cutting valleys through the mountains of gold.

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Twenty-Seventh Entry

Even the least of the true giants were filled with a strange, ancient sort of magic, and the lesser offshoots of giantkin, ogres and trolls especially, were still astonishingly dangerous in their own right.

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Captured Thief

He didn't have wings, but that didn't mean a damn thing when it came to dragons, they were an odd lot and always seemed to be whelping offshoots with strange characteristics.

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Take Good Care of Him

A small grey package sat wrapped at the end of this offshoot, emanating the piercing screech that had drawn his attention. daniel watched as the package -he thought it was a blanket of some sort- rustled. something was definitely alive in it.

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The Submission of a Dragon (Pt. 2)

Cut unusually smooth, the floor was flat and the roof curved, with a few offshoot rooms and what seemed to be an intersection ahead.

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The fox was an offshoot of his red brethren who had since evolved to have stripes on their back. his father and mother were much the same and as an only child, one could say he was quite spoiled.

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Containment II

Oft times the offshoot colony was absorbed into the main colony, but not always. other times it was left along and contained to one planet.

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