The Journey Home

Prisoner 20255 just wanted to go home. When he woke up to the morning bell, his first thoughts were of home; how safe it was, how much more at peace he felt there, what he would do if he ever saw it again. When morning work hours came, and he was...

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Overcoming Resistance

The gunfire on the surface was intensifying, streaks of tracers stitching across the smoke filled sky becoming more frequent and heavy as the battle for control of the planet began its final stages. It was a losing battle, one the rebelling sector...

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"Can we trust it?" "Sir?" "The biodroid, lieutenant. Can we trust it?" "Yes, Captain. Mackerel is one of our best hackers." "That's not what I asked, lieutenant. And who the hell named the pride of our weapon's division Mackerel? "Well......

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Rush of Memories

"_This is Space Command. How are things looking at your end?_" "Well, we're still syncing up with the station's relative speed. After that is done, we can begin the fine approach." Kevin kept his eyes wide open as he stopped transmission of his...

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Science Fiction Short #1

In the harrowing vacuum of space, a Massive behemothing starship with the peculiar name "_The_ _Rosy Joker_" scrawled beneath its sleekly curved bow, the ship itself carelessly glides through the inky darkness as the young commander sets her course for...

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Shade Hunter

The room was dim except for the glow of a computer monitor and the on light of the coffee pot. It smelled of old tobacco smoke and recycled air gone stale. Dragunov wrung his paws together and read the words again, pondering where to begin his...

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Sapient Equality

_Hey everyone, _ _it's been a while since I posted something. Well, mainly because I was busy. This is my longest piece ever, almost reaching 12 thousands words, but this kind of story needed to be told all together, I guess. It's my entry for the...

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Overcoming Resistance Ch.2

Shadi was utterly silent as a very firm paw gripped her own, and she was tugged back down towards the cells. She had no words- no way to describe how utterly trapped and tangled she felt. Her legs locked briefly for a moment, which made the male...

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"So have you seen him, or have you not?" a muddy brown furred wolf questioned in an angry, low pitched voice. His soft, leathery armor was a dark grey, and covered him from shoulders to ankles, where the lupine's boots covered his feet. All of it was...

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A Backwards World Of Forward People

**A Backwards World Of Forward People** All that could be seen was space, that infinite canvass of darkness and the odd speck of light from a faraway star. That view surrounded every window of the Eagle Head Mark eight, the ship that was widely...

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The Journey Goes On... (Illustrated)

The little boy's bare feet echoed in the large, empty hallways of the massive ship. It was well past curfew, and he was definitely not supposed to be out of his juvenile quarters. But he had to be there. He needed to be there for her... And yet she was...

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