The Endeavor: Flight of November

There are even classified jet fighters and prototype weapons stored on the ship. he jumps down and walks down the long hall to his room. over the speakers, he hears "warning: entering slipspace in 30 seconds" in english.

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Cafe Plaisir: A Visit from Sagittarius

Pausing in his current topic, the really cool jet-fighters he had seen pictures of the other day, the ones co-designed by a skarmory pokemon, october had popped up again, this time after a tapping claw on a glass had alerted him that this time

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Snow on the Forecast

The two of us watched the expected shenanigans unfold, including watching a couple of propeller planes get absolutely destroyed by a couple of jet fighters, which always made me laugh.

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The legend of a warrior; Chapter 36: Glacial - Regina

She had stepped in battle, her eyes maliciously flashing with glowing green light, and the dozen of jet fighters that the rebels were still courageously flying against the many hundreds of ra planes had all but suddenly stopped in midair, like caught in an

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The legend of a warrior; Chapter 30: Glacial - Towards Sangin

The first massive su30 jet fighter was climbing at operative altitude after a perfect take off when the meteor punched with tremendous violence right inside the fuselage and exploded with horrible violence, shredding the plane with the hail of deadly, high-speed

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The time traveller:Ch. 3 - Exploring and learning

That was maybe the reason they sent a propeller aircraft after them and not a jet fighter.

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Chapter 5: The Queen

. ~~~~~             joseph macaingeal,  gripped the controls of his jet fighter firmly as he and his two wingmen closed in on their target, the trio of f-18 super hornets humming loudly as they began their attack run.

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The legend of a warrior; Chapter 44: Heaven is not necessarily Paradise

She had been a jet fighter pilot as well, and fighter pilots always tend to be overly confident in their skills... and over everything else, she had amazing powers. she knew nothing of magic, but she had formidable innate abilities.

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The legend of a warrior; Chapter 98 - Only a Monster can slay a Monster

Mantis jet fighters, advanced hypersonic biplanes with engines mounted at the extremities of the wings, free to swivel to enable vertical takeoff and landing as well as amazing manoeuvres during dogfights, came rolling out of the hangar in a row.

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Disillusions of Grandeur

And then the machines had made a sound like a jet-fighter kicking into overdrive and exploded in showers of golden sparks and smoke and a wave of force so powerful that the last thing john remembered was being airborne.

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The Glorious Disaster (Book 1)

There were five planes in all and each was jet fighter. this gave me an idea. there were big billboards down by the street. if i could fly low enough and pull up before the jet could then the jet would explode into a million tiny pieces on the billboard.

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