Dragon release!!!... of sorts.

"mhmmhhhm" "yes he is right here!" "The poor little subby draggy!" The muffled visions danced over Spyro's head as he felt a change. Even behind his blindfold he could feel that the lights have been turned on. The night was difficult, to put it...

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Vulpine Confessions: "I rarely wear underwear..."

**Vulpine Confessions: M\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* R\*\*** # "I rarely wear underwear..." Hallo, there! My name is M\*\*\*\*\*\* R\*\*. I am a happily married vixen in my early forties. I have always considered myself to be a good foxgirl, but I have to admit...

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Puzzle Game

Bridges sat on Klein's cock with a sigh of relief, like sitting in his favorite chair at the end of the day. The skunk gasped as the otter's rear end came down on him in one smooth slide, expecting more resistance than he got. Ogun's spit-covered...

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Ditch or Hitch Version 1.02 + Older Games

Setting combinations: everything: i am a man/woman + everything + allow sex-changes all males (gay): i am a man + homosexual only + no sex-changes all females (lesbian): i am a woman + homosexual only + no sex-changes male player with all female npcs

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Survey Onve

C) yes to adding futanari but no mating with them and no mating within the wel'on with this option, the girls can't have fun with each other but can have fun with other girls outside of the wel'on using the addition gift.


M/M - Cat in the Wall - 2

He doesn't find maste-- fuck no, fuck no fuck no fuck no fuck no fuck no. he doesn't find the pervert attractive at all. he's not attractive at all! "if you insist i can do that arse of yours later, free of charge.

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Finding the Line Draft 1 CH 38

no fucking way. everyone in that house died, i felt it." the tiger started pacing. "you couldn't have escaped me... unless. he shielded you somehow? that's impossible, i had spells setup to find anyone who was a rasia."

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The Grinding Halt

"no fucking way." "goddamnit...." "fucking hell." my ears perked at the sound of somewhat muffled, low voices, coming along the corridor accompanied by stomping pawsteps.

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The Society, CH 34

No way, no fucking way. he wasn't getting fucked by one of those tigers. denton managed to raise a leg and kick damian in the chest, sending him back. denton fell to the ground.

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Roads in the Night teaser (1)

It's the first part of a series i decided to write and contains no yiff...yet. but there is nudity and bloodshed!

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