Medieval Fun

Through his terror, he could still partially think, what a strange voice... it sounds...mousy. " oh thank the gods! i feared we may have performed the spell incorrectly, but he looks to be fine."

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Game of Cat and Mouse

"ready or not here i come, mousy." soft thuds of footsteps were getting closer with every second, brett trying to calm his breathing.

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A Night on the Town

Well we have a cute mousie boy here." debbie smiled. all the girls looked at each other and smiled. "don't worry, you guys have my permission." jessica laughed. jeans ears perked up as he heard what she said. "what do you mean?"

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Commission for Brekna

"you didn't change your mind did you mousie?" opal asked, panting. "not at all." alex said, gently pushing his arms into her. after a moment, her muscles relaxed, allowing him to feed himself to her.

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Ester's New Look

"silly mousie, is it really that hard to keep up?"

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Jake's Initiation

Demi chuckled, "mousy's getting cocky." "and otter's getting mousy's cock," jake shot back with a grin. he gave a sharp thrust to accentuate his point, getting a pleasant moan from the submissive dewott.

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Waiting to be Human

Her hair of mousy brown, and his of red the only signs of people, there. all else is of the beast. they breath in tune, in time, with the rustling winds, and chirping of the crickets in the dew. the poignant scene is incuplable.

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Sharing With a Friend

He could feel his legs tremble as his mousy tail coiled around his left leg, anxious for them to get it over with already. jesse slowly walked up to him, brandishing their wand; the tip glowing with a semi-translucent pink aura.

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Enter the Players

"awwww, is my mousy wousy a wittle bit embarrassed?"

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Macro Park Pt. 3

Called malcom as ellie felt her mousy ears drooping, as she looked between the two. and the tunnel entrance.

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Tension 2: Death's Reign of Terror Chapter 2

Gabe was a quiet looking youth with mousy hair that ran down his face and covered his eyes, while sarah was tall and gangly looking with brown eyes and piercing green eyes.
