Suncrest - Chapter 1

Everything else just became a blare of noise and ambiance. it was just him and the fighter. the warrior of the sea. his future dinner. "stop-struggling-and-come-here!" he barely heard the screaming coming from behind him.

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Out to Tapu

Not many trainers were on this route, so they heard ambiance and often rustling in the nearby grass. pyro was helping as well. he twitched his ears whenever he heard a sound and trotted far ahead, spotting a few wild pokémon. "this could take a while."

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Evergreens to Blossoms

It was quiet, nothing but the sound of general ambiance spread throughout the chilly environment. "we'll be out of here in no time. don't worry," aaron assured. "come on." skye kept close beside him while they traversed the forest.

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First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- Part Six (3/??) -- {Authority}

City commerical district] +"nujabes - who's theme" being played by the bar's band+ the sky was covered with slightly gray clouds: the rain's pitter patter being heard from the inside as the flow of smooth and authentic japanese jazz filled the bar's ambiance

Second Chances 11.5 (Lukes perspective)

A treasured set of songs, i popped the cd into the player and kept it turned down to a soft ambiance level and 'dog days are over' started playing lightly.

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Blades of Averaen I

When the room had the ambiance he deemed necessary for the moment he shed what little clothing he was wearing and crawled up bed towards renamon growling seductively.

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Lucky!!! - Chapter 02

This is important for the story cos like, ambiance right? is that what they call it? uhhh for the lore? yes, the lore, that i tried on this contrasting blue little thing.

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Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - The Yuletide of the Season (Rose Pt. 3)

Not everyone was too into the ambiance of the cold, though perhaps a piping hot cup of hot cocoa along with some sweet bread would sway their nerves and allow them to get festive.

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Rexville 38: The Beach House

While far away from the coast about one football field long as xerxes said, the houses were very much in the homey coastal ambiance, and some were in the traditional victorian style and spanish colonial style.

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Messy Interface

An ambiance he could have slept to had he not been so restless. he eyed the storage racks against the wall. two of them, both occupied. in the smaller of the two, an android of roughly human shape and size recharged.

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Five Hours

They started the walk, at first silently strolling beside each other among rows of sleeping homes, a few people, and ambiance. "can't believe he asked if we thought we'd be long term..." skye couldn't contain the lingering thought.

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Asset Merger and Acquisition

The steady rhythm of ropes clanging against railing formed a beat for the ambiance, occasionally broken by the soft squeak of his squeegee.

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