The Legendary Crystal Beast Deck

The legendary crystal beast deck. tomorrow an envelope will come for you, that loser jackie and someone else named; mayra damon. " then out of nowhere i seen a red-eyes darkness dragon spirit appear by his side.

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Crystal Feather: Part 2

"tell me, oh mighty juggernaut, does the crystal feather still elude you? tell me, how many more cities have to burn, how many kingdoms have to fall, how many lives must be destroyed, before you finally give up on your impossible wish?"

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The Girl in the Crystal Blue Water

The pool was huge, and the water was crystal clear. at the bottom was a form that seemed to be too big and sinuous to be human. that's when it dawned on me that perhaps the pool was home to some sort of crocodilian.

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Crystal Kingdom Chapter 2

#2 of crystal kingdom chapter 2 takes bethany into a whole new world she wasn't ready for. what will this dragon guy do with her? where are they going and what happened to logan? edit: 11/10/14 added italic to the letter.

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Crystal Feather: Part 1

(Author's Note: This is going to be a continuing story which will be an action/adventure as well as a romance involving the relationship between a human and a dragoness. The world is a fantasy world akin to Lord of the Rings and Dungeons and Dragons...

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Ch 4 - Crystal Plight

#5 of a tale of ponies and wolves **ch. 4 - crystal plight** quite some time ago... "cadence, this is sentry wolf and his brother night vigil. they are your new protectors." her mamma had told her.


Crystal Memories: Pride and Lust

#5 of crystal memories a two day suspension. it was far from the worst that they could have done to mirana, but it was bad enough. she was... growing by the day, and even more now, belly joining in with her breasts, cock, and balls.

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The Crystal Castle: Chapter 1

She couldn't make out much from her seat, but his crystal horn caught her eye even from a distance, a prismatic spiral protruding from his forehead, as deadly as it was beautiful.

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Aaru - Chapter 24 (The Crystal)

The chamber was completely bare except for a giant, floating crystal in the centre of the room. the light came from the crystal. it was completely translucent.

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