Finding out how the milk is made

There was a twinge of pain the more she pushed out the calf, muscles growing weaker and stressed, but it still all felt so good, thick teats letting down fresh milk as the head of the calf pushed free.

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Industrial stupidity

The dragon laughed "oh no no, we have adult staff to deal with that you'd be an...extra body on the line, only heavy work you'd have to do would be with the calf's." "calfs? babys?"

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A Kodo Encounter

She spotted a kodo beast wandering nearby, a young calf trailing behind her. dalia smiled, unaware that the two creatures were closing in on her. she glanced away only momentarily, then noticed the calf's mother approching her with hostile intent.

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Ace of Diamonds

Each of his calf makers had long since swollen up from semi-crushings, and their taut skin was pierced better than a pincushion.

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Kaja's Backstory, Chapter 2

The calf looked worried that her new mother would take the strongly-flavored roots away. "well, there's cheese too. and there's a piece of ham for each of you." agra stood up and straightened her skirt.


Fly on the Wall

The thin coat of horse hair was white on both socks up to just below his calf muscles. standing still, supporting the weight of his body, his calf muscles rippled thickly.

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Aleu: Tale of the Alpha

She leaped forward and pounced on the calf, gnarling and snaring at them, ready to dig her sharp claws and teeth into her shacking prey, but the calf were slippery and were successful getting out of her grasp. the calf screeched and cried for help. "no!

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Dad's Love (Old)

If anyone, he was proud that it was his stud of a calf fucking him. of course as bruce stood there in the water, fucking him cross eyed, he wasn't a calf anymore.

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ch 2 In Over Your Head

It was still late spring and having recently birthed her second calf, she still gave the highest quality of milk. the calf had weaned two weeks earlier and so bessy gave us extra milk that mother could churn, curdle, or sell fresh.

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Prancer's Announcement

"i love you prancer," said blitzen, giving her another nuzzle, then he nuzzled her tummy as well, the calf growing inside. "i love you too blitzen," prancer said.

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