Barbie and the Mysterious story

They bond over shared interests in art and adventure, their connection growing stronger with each moment. as the moonlight bathes them, their flirtatious glances turn into an enchanting and intimate encounter.

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Feeling up more of a Friend’s Interests

**feeling up more of a friend's interests** ** ** kirisha stretches as she rests on a picnic blanket on top of a small hill near a large glimmering lake.

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Red's Interesting Day Part 3

#3 of red's interesting day last weeks tally!: a - 2 b - 0 c - 1 d - 6 again d won by a landslide and you naughty furs wanted the cubs to search the internet.

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Red's Interesting Day Part 2

#2 of red's interesting day ok i decided to leave this a week so votes would build up a bit and here's the joint votes from ib and sf a = 4 votes b = 1 vote c = 1 vote d = 8 votes so you guys wanted more cubs for your attention huh?

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Red's Interesting Day Part 1

#1 of red's interesting day so after seeing a few of these choose your own adventure things, i decided to make my own. this story features red, a young spaniel who's going to end up having a more interesting day than he first thought.

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The Book of Warlock 6. Confliction of interest.

The dawn broke in a warm golden glow upon the hills. At the foot of the grassy dewy peaks, faint smoky whisps from dead campfire embers drifted lazily upwards. A few tethered horses whinnied, awaiting breakfast, and as the breeze meandered through the...

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Getting Caught gets Interesting 2

First off I'd like to say I'm sorry for the delay, I've been busy. I'd also like to thank everyone for the positive feedback they have given me, even the negative is good because it just means I need to work harder. Anyway, you know the...

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Chapter 1: A Very Interesting Wolf

\* \* \* in the room next door, mike pulled out his phone and sent off a quick message to ethan, jayden, and jake: _this is going to be an interesting semester_.

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Fallout: Part 5: Interesting happenings

.                                                     ///////////////////////////////////////////// ...interesting yes? we shall interfere little, do we agree with us?...

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Iris must be having an interesting day.

I remember the day well, it was a Sunday just over four months from the last Central New Year. None of the gang had been assigned to planet scouting, I have a sneaking suspicion a certain Lupogriff was responsible for this, making sure we were all...

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Children Of Keeval-da: Family Interests

Business was always better now that dragons were about. Everyone buying Armour, weapons, potions, and arrows by the quiver. Tailess-Gri was a happy store clerk and self trained alchemist running the "Fair Scale Trader" (weight scales logo out...

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